Nice countries, yeah, nice as in white. So beaurfully pale, only the best pale please, thank you, thank you Europe.
Nice countries like Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland (I wonder if he thinks that’s Sweden). That’s not even just white, that’s specifically Germanic…
Yeah, did Nazi that coming. Did Nazi it from 93 million miles away. RIH soonish, yeah?
No. Americans in general have been conditioned over the decades to worship human and corporate billionaires. You don’t blame the heroes of the story for your problems, especially when they present you with ready-made scary villains.
Of course, because white dudes get away with whatever the fuck they want, all the fucking time.
The Feds should just confiscate the cattle and prevent their sale or make any purchasers pay the government.
No shots fired - no standoffs.
Yep. The stand off is what they want… they want to become a symbol far right assholes can rally around to “take back their country”… I don’t know if I’d go as far to say that they want to be in the midst of another Ruby Ridge or Waco, but they’d take something similar with a different outcome (them triumphing over the EVIL feds).
I suspect it’s less “economic anxiety” than “he hates the same people i hate” again. Sadly, there are young racist, sexist assholes too.
Studies after the 2016 election found that the commonality in districts that voted for him wasn’t “economic anxiety” or education level or rural character any of the other comforting stories centrists tell themselves, but rather a perception that cis-het white privilege was being supplanted by demographic shifts in the country. As is usually the case, right-wing populism is grounded less in hatred of elites (real or imagined) than in boneheaded bigotry.
That won’t stop Bobo Brooks and his ilk from victim-blaming people who had the temerity to get a post-secondary education and in the process become more open to people who are different from them.
This is VERY true in Texas.
This is also true.
A white journalist wrote a book detailing how much she personally – as someone from an economically underprivileged rural area, no obvious advantages in life – has ‘made’ by being born with the privilege of being white instead of Black: a little under $400,000.
I saw that, good to see it getting attention.
To me, a manifestation of “white culture” there is most white people’s ignorance of such unearned advantages. Another is, upon learning about them, a lack of willingness to do anything at all to counteract or counterbalance such unearned advantages.
I did! He’s so fucking awesome.