White House source: Stephen Miller revels in the misery and terror of separated children, "He’s Waffen-SS"

Stephen Miller reminds me of me sadly when I was a teenager. The difference is that I grew out of my misanthropy but it seems he’s absorbed by it and channels it into racism. I swear a psychologist could probably write volumes about such a rotten personality as Miller’s.


Miller would take that as a compliment.


I just split the difference and imagined Popeye making the comment.


Then she came in on an “Einstein” visa for her extraordinary abilities. Then. chain migration to bring her family over…



Look, many of us were bullied hard as a kid and didn’t turn into a sociopathic asshole like this.


Just last night I wondered aloud "Where are all the libel charges from [D2S | SHS | RG | etc ]*… many who are being openly called liars in the media. IANAL, so don’t really know libel laws.

Of course, their silence isn’t an admission of guilt, but it sure seems suspicious to me.

* D2S = Donny 2 Scoops aka Orange Shit Gibbon = Donald Trump
* SHS = Sarah Huckabee Sanders
* RG = Rudy Guliano


They. Don’t. Care. It’s that simple. They do not feel the need to maintain any sort of consistent narrative in their statements.


While it gives me great joy to find the hypocritical nature and background of these creeps, sometimes it feels like “whataboutism” to bring it forth.

Exactly. They are trolling the planet and will take it as far as they can possibly take it.

Which is why the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


Basically the entire republican ethos reminds me of stupid shit I thought of as a teenager.


Ha! I picked up on that too. Actually I kind of find it fascinating because it seems to go multiple ways. Perhaps a touch of genetic predisposition, perhaps the difference of privilege types, perhaps something even less tangible. You see people like my dad who came from a childhood of both privilege and utter abuse… some of them turn into chaotic messes of danger like my father did. But some turn into me, as if the experience deepens the compassion rather than erodes it. Instead of seeing myself gaining power from harming others I see myself empowered when fewer people are being harmed, and feel a protective instinct towards those who may be enduring similar fates all around the world. True, it is sometimes deeply painful and since so much is out of my control it’s not always psychologically helpful… yet it always points me in a direction away from this kind of thing. At the same time, plenty of serial killers come from backgrounds like mine. I really don’t know if the lack of empathy was already there in some, or if it’s a difference of coping mechanisms in developing brains. Honestly, this is kind of a point of fascination for me so far as human psychology and neurology goes but I’m not knowledgeable in that field in a way that gives me any insight. The part that I think makes me saddest at all times is when I realize how open the world is to the ones who lack empathy, how easily they seem to sail up and through channels of power, and then I wonder if consideration and compassion themselves act as a limiting factor… and then… about then I get real damned sad.


Don’t go there. Realize that there are many exactly like you. My wife is the product of an alcohol abusive father (who finally drank himself into an early grave), and she has the same feelings as you. One thing about my wife, you can mess with her, but don’t fuck with her kids (and that includes all the neighborhood kids that have adopted her as their unofficial Mom). She becomes a wildcat when she sees that type of injustice.
You are exactly what this world needs right now.


I’m no psychologist, but my hunch is that his profile would fit on at most a few pages. The personality here is “simply” rotten. Yourself, you’ve admittedly transcended difficult emotions, which is more interesting and valuable to the study of psychology and the world at large.
Steven Miller spends all his energy on retribution; like a shark, he’s had no pause for introspection. There’s no character arc.


His must be a really shitty book.


The lie isn’t an incidental failing under fascist regimes. It is a technique in its own right to exert control. To quote Sarte “Never believe that anti‐ Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the
seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall
silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


It puts the lotion on the think skin


We are cut from the same cloth. An empathy dominant worldview does certainly put you out of the running for Alpha anything, but doesn’t necessarily put you out of the power structure completely.

I’ve found myself in solid beta position rather often in my life due to my desire to see the tribe (work, friends, family, volunteers) prosper, and a compulsion to speak when I sense injustice, unnecessary risk, or just a better way to accomplish a task.

Where I struggle is with public perception in larger groups. The trust earned and shared in a tribe doesn’t necessarily translate well outside of it, and I have no desire to control people by playing the PR game or schmoozing/mindfucking people into allegiance with a common cause.

tldr - don’t fret. Every successful party needs a healer.


Only one Republican. One.


Miller probably thinks he would be spared if his fellow-travellers were ever able to enact their policies of a white, protestant America.

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