White man in company van follows black man home to let him "know how much of a N— " he is

Visiting family directly outside of a major city in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, I occasionally see trucks with entire flag poles on the back running a giant rebel flag.

I am really personally sick of these fucking morons and people like the man in this story and I wish they would inbreed themselves out of existence.

On second thought, the idea of these people breeding is beyond repulsing to me. Im a white guy, and christ, what assholes people like this are.

Still waiting for one with a flagpole to have it hit a low bridge and tear the bed out of their trucks. America has spawned a new generation of filth lately.

  • The stupidity of saying the n-word in public.

  • The utter stupidity of saying the n-word in public when a phone is pointed towards you.

  • The sheer utter stupidity of saying the n-word in public when a phone is pointed towards you and not realizing caring that you are being filmed.

  • The ridiculously sheer utter stupidity of saying the n-word in public when a phone is pointed towards you and not realizing caring that you are being filmed and that it will end up on YouTube, Facebook, et al.

  • The I can’t believe the ridiculously sheer utter stupidity of saying the n-word in public when a phone is pointed towards you and not realizing caring that you are being filmed and that it will end up on YouTube, Facebook, et al and will get you fired, ostracized, or ruin your life.

  • The JFC, I can’t believe the ridiculously sheer utter stupidity of saying the n-word in public when a phone is pointed towards you and not realizing caring that you are being filmed and that it will end up on YouTube, Facebook, et al and will get you fired, ostracized, or ruin your life and then crying that you are misunderstood.

I could go on, but I am starting to get the run-on sentence heebie-jeebies.

Edited :realizing caring that


May I suggest, since this condition is so prevalent, that we may as well truncate it to V-MIBAS for easy reference.

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Now he knows what it feels like.


What does your comment mean, concerning the continuum between “guarded politeness” and “…damn near ‘Yes massa’"” Are your POC interactees passively-aggressively criticizing what they interpret (wrongly) as a priveleged attitude in you? Maybe even a relatively progressive place feels less progressive from the other side of the culture line.

I dunno, but I think it’s a simpler explanation.
The sheer stupidity of believing that skin color makes another person worthy of hatred.


He needs the forge, hammer, and anvil of experience that can temper and rework his understanding of what it means to be human. Situating himself such that this is possible and allowing himself to be vulnerable enough to make that happen is on him:

It is important for whites to enter not only situations where they are one of the only ones, but also to challenge themselves to interact directly with the people of color around them. It is not enough, for example, for a white person to attend an all‐black church service and sit quietly in the last row, only to exit as soon as the service ends. Just recently, we spoke with a white person who attended an emotionally gripping film on slavery sponsored by an African American organization. When the movie ended, she left immediately instead of staying for the question/answer session that followed. Initially, she said she had “things to do and didn’t have time to stay.” Upon greater reflection however, she admitted she was uncomfortable staying and facing what she feared would be the rage and pain of the black people. She stated, “I was afraid they would see me as the only white person there and all the fury that must have been triggered by the movie would come pouring out at me.” By exercising her privilege to “leave the scene,” she missed the most crucial part of the experience which involved facing the black people whose rage and pain she feared, and finding ways as a white person to tolerate the discomfort this created in her. [Laszloffy & Hardy, 2000]

The problem is that the racist’s mindset is ego-systonic; they do not perceive their views to be a problem, so they are highly unlikely to seek help. Even then, help explicitly as such is nonexistent. As racism within the individual isn’t a mental disorder but a localization of a societal problem, there is no identified therapy in the mental health sphere—though, as the authors point out in the paper linked above, a family therapist may not be a bad place to start.


I agree. They believe they’re the victims. That’s why they feel entitled to trammel all over the modest advances their opponents have won this past century. You can lead a racist to empathy, but you cannot make him feel it.


It’s almost as if society is judging him not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.


I see the same thing in my medical practice. I do not think it has anything to do with “perceived attitude” but with the fact that so many of these folks have been taught from early on that they must always be nauseatingly polite and submissive with white folks. This fact may also explain why some young POCs have chosen to overcorrect to arrogance or even aggressiveness. I don’t see this as disrespect, but as “I have had enough. You want my respect? Earn it.” To be honest, I am usually more comfortable with that. I get a bad case of heebie jeebies when people bow and scrape around me.


Probably followed by the “I was only kidding/joking” excuse. Its the favourite excuse of low information people.

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You know BB is riding this guy hard when they dont refer to him as “white gentleman” in the thread titie…


Fox News will want him for an interview to discuss his pain at being another victim of ‘political correctness’ six months later he will be a regular pundit about how traditional American values are being destroyed by liberals and then he’s a shoo-in for a junior GOP appointment.


“Joe the Bigot”


Maybe righteous indignation too. They may well know how much better whites tend to get treated at all levels of the medical industry. And how many whites like to complain obliviously about how the opposite is supposedly true.


Do we still feel bad for all the other kids who have racist parents or is it only when such racist paretn(s) make a video-taped admission? Because that would be a lot of kids (and likely future racists when they grow up) to feel sorry for.

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There’s a simple way to explain this to him:

“You could have just used the word asshole instead, that’s what most folks say when someone cuts them off in traffic.”


Some a**hole was following me home from a bar after it closed - I drove to the Police Station. This being followed home thing has happened more than once.


at least racists from all over the world will be slightly poorer.

of course, they will blame some other group of people when they realize.

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