Thank goodness this candidate’s disgusting racism and sexism have been publicly pointed out!
At the same time, it’s disheartening to see the reporter employ a bit of casual ageism while doing so.
From the linked article, and quoted in Carla’s post:
Former workers have accused the senior citizen of racism and created an atmosphere for a toxic and hostile work environment.
Other ways that he’s identified/described in the linked article are relevant and appropriate to the topic: e.g., as being White, as a jailer, as an elected official, as a candidate, and as an employer/boss.
His age is given at the beginning of the article, as with most news/reportage, and that’s all that’s needed to clarify that he’s not [some other local person who may happen to have the same name] (though, in this case, since he holds an elected position and is publicly known, IMO it’s not even necessary to state his age, but I assume that’s the newspaper’s policy across the board).
Going out of the way to refer to him as “the senior citizen” is IMO casual ageism that is unhelpful to the reportage at best, and insidiously injurious to others in the long run at worst.
It seems to me that we have finally reached the point where the existence of racism, including casual racism, is being broadly acknowledged by the general public. It took a lot of people pointing it out over and over to even get to this point. Ageism, including casual ageism, still goes under the radar and needs to be pointed out when spotted.
TL;DR: Calling out racism and sexism on the part of public figures, good! Casual ageism while doing so, not so good.