White man in company van follows black man home to let him "know how much of a N— " he is

Suspect you do not need to localize to medical practice. Our society treats nonwhites as sub- or semihuman most of the time, and I agree, in their position I would be way more pissed than most of them seem to be. Of course, a history of being lynched for speaking up would tend to put the kibosh on that pretty quickly.


i would have loved to see him say that to a 220 lbs black dude.

…sure? It can’t be great having a horrible bigot like that for a parent. Of course the child is still ultimately responsible for breaking the cycle of hate and doing their best to be a decent human being.


Maybe the other guy was riding one of these, and he meant to call him an outrigger? Other than that, don’t see how it could happen.

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“T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ I have completely and thoroughly ruined my life.”

Fixed it for you. You’re welcome.


He’s full of shit even with that statement…

He just needs to re-incorporate with a different business name, get his truck painted a different color, dye his hair and grow a beard.


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