White, right-wing terrorist busted...and hardly a peep

They come from the original source the SPLC


Well, you can count me in the category of people who read the little paragraph on BB and made a snarky anti-religious knee-jerk-reaction comment. The fact is that he almost certainly is religious… and even aside from the alex jones crowd (who himself also thinks that the christians and muslims are nearing an apocalyptic near-future), I would argue it is not a shrill minority of fundamentalists or zealots who have similar feelings, it’s just the crazy ones who act on it. The rest try to remain “prepared”, but almost all of them “see it coming”.

You can look at almost any time in human history and see the same us versus them propaganda largely used by religious institutions, everyone wants to be on the winning team. Worse, nearly every generation of christians since america became a country has believed they’re living in the “end times” and there’s no talking them out of it, and muslims are the enemy (because they worship the same god, but in the wrong way, I guess). To religious zealots on any side of the fence, violence is just a means to an end. Because when they’re judged at those pearly gates, they’ll know they were on the winning team.

The tl;dr point (imo) is that the concept of irrational religious fueled violence is nothing new, but we’re at a point in human history where we have a lot at stake. There’s just too much on the line to take this kind of stuff for granted any more and I personally feel that religious people should take their belief system out of the “god box” and critically examine how it’s shaping society whether directly or indirectly. It’s not always obvious how your religious prejudices influence your life or your community.

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I didn’t doubt it. I’m just wondering if Shane missed your post or has doubts about it, because it kinda settled the question for me.

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Glad you’re here to steer us away from that “us versus them” craziness, binarygirl!
I think your last sentence is the best one.

To be completely fair, it says ‘certificate of live birth’, not ‘birth certificate’.


I appreciate the support, it gets rough out there at times but it’s good to know there’s people back home who have your back.

Know who else makes knee-jerk anti-religious comments?

Right-wing wingnuts.

You’re right; we should treat folks who subscribe to extremists’ religions as highly suspect.

You might get some ideas on how to handle that from this source of information:


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iReport accepts submissions. It’s a firehose.

From the FAQ:

How is this section different from the rest of CNN.com?
Everything you see on iReport starts with someone in the CNN audience. Stories submitted to CNN iReport are not edited fact-checked or screened before they post. Only stories marked “CNN iReport” have been vetted and cleared by CNN.

And at the top of that story you linked to, it says: “NOT VETTED BY CNN”

Yeah…okay, then.

It’s a story written by “JKFeathers”. Who’s that? Let me check their history…oh, just one post. Yay.

He loves me and gets tattoos of all my comments.

Is the information in the post correct? Is it on the cnn.com website? Do you need an education in what a subdomain is?

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This post adequately covers your linguistic talents.

Another great iReport:


The likelihood of alien life in space means we are not alone, but new information shows we may even have neighbors. An old photo of the moon, discovered through NASA’s Apollo Image Atlas, reveals what appears to be an alien base.

The high-resolution image was discovered by Scott C. Waring, who runs UFO Sightings Daily, and there’s no doubt something strange is planted on the lunar surface.

It’s absolutely true, because it’s reported by CNN. It’s on cnn.com, is it not?


Man, I guessed that one completely wrong.


So because my comment is factually true you try to discredit the site to discredit me? It’s not my website but it is a website.

Go on, I’m sure your next reply will be informative and enlightening.

If you’re basing this on his wanting to murder people in a mosque, I think even the tolerant, progressive crowd on Boing Boing proves, on a regular basis, that it’s completely possible to hate religious people without having any religious convictions whatsoever.

PS: I don’t hate religious people, I just hate that they think their beliefs are somehow more valid, true or respectable than mine. They won’t openly say so, but if pushed most religious people (even the moderate ones) will tell me I’m going to hell or some sort of purgatory for my beliefs - because it’s part of the doctrine. Fuck that and fuck their expectation of respect when most provide no respect of the beliefs of others apart from that we’re free to believe it.

Please point out where anyone on BB has advocated the destruction of mosques and the murder of those inside.

Also it is very easy to make the argument that you’re brainwashing your kids by taking them to church. If you’re confident it is the one true faith, then why not let them decide that when they’re 18 and their only source of information isn’t what the most influential authority figure in their life (you) is telling them is the truth?

[mod edit: removed insult]

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I read right wing blogs from time to time, and the themes of domestic terrorism, assassinations, and death squads is constant.

This often mixed with statements about how violence is necessary because Christian’s lives are in danger from liberals, because the (genocidal) Christians are full of love and liberals are full of hate.

This is often mixed in with mention of “a Just War,” where God will wink at your slaughter of men, women, and children because you are just so gosh darn nicer.

And you’d better believe that these folks are also saturated in belief of a looming apocalyptic showdown with Islam. BoingBoig had that video of a beautiful Muslim college student sending a Tennessee meeting into pandemonium because these Christians (who were pretty belligerent about shouting how they were Christians) were convinced rural Tennessee is about to become part of the Caliphate.


So, He’s a racist, extremely right-wing, obsessed with his own bizarre definition of liberty and ludicrous interpretation of the constitution, He’s a white male, he’s a christian, he has a Manifesto.

I’ll give you 1:3 odds that he’s a Ron Paul supporter. The only other two options are Tea Party and not voting.


When will these Christian community leaders make a stand against violence?


You make it sound like those three things are mutually exclusive…

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Spoiler: He failed.

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