"White supremacy acquitted Zimmerman"

I think in fact the economic system in the US is very much white supremacist. You might want to look at this: The Hidden Cost of Being African American.


Careful now, your true colors are beginning to show. Trolling that openly almost never works in this here clean, well-lighted place.


How did a guy weighing 190 lbs with >6 months training in grappling at a MMA gym get pinned by a 160 lb kid (autopsy report)? GZ had also worked as a bouncer at house parties before losing that gig for being a belligerent asshole.

Mind you, TM was supposedly merely sitting on GZ (and hitting him) but not applying any sort of choke, lock, or immobilization hold. Zimmerman’s only response was to scream like a l little girl.


I’ve seen many murder convictions based on entirely circumstantial evidence because the prosecution made a strong effort. Here, GZ admitted to confronting and shooting a minor and the prosecutor basically said “Yeah, we’re just going to accept his version(s) at face value. Whatever.”


Who’s blaming me? You, for one. The people that made that sign for another. Folks that believe that white and ONLY white people can be racist and are to blame for any and all racial problems in this country. People that think that because of my color my opinions can’t be spoken, or that if they are they suspect us of being racist.
“Where DOES that paranoia come from??”

Like that.


Martin attacked Zimmerman

For somebody who just a few posts back was talking about how people are being hypocritical about the concept of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ you sure are quick to declare that Martin’s guilty of an alleged crime nobody but Zimmerman saw and that he’s never been tried for.


Is your name “White Supremacy”? If so, that may be the source of confusion, but I think you should blame your parents there (unless you chose it, in which case, you only have yourself to blame).

Or is your personal identity is wrapped up with White Supremacy to a significant degree?

Because those seem to be the only two ways you could legitimately get the idea that they’re blaming you when they say “White supremacy acquitted Zimmerman”. Otherwise, you’re simply wrong.


Since no one here treated you that way, and since the poster that the OP is about doesn’t either, why then did you plop in here to complain about some other group of people who supposedly do that to you?

Again, white supremacy is not YOU, it’s an overarching and selectively abusive system. If you’re a white person who fights that system, then you’re cool. Even if you’re white. :wink:


For me, this was the most surreal aspect of the whole trial: the real defendant was the murdered, unarmed teenager. And he was in effect declared guilty.


How is this unjust? Zimmerman was attacked, he defended himself. If anything the verdict seems very just to me. The legal system didn’t let itself be swayed by those attempting to make the case about race.


Well, his name is Zimmerman. Who the hell even hear of a hispanic name “ZimmerMANN”?! One of the most Anglo names on record.

Thank you for proving my point.
“Or is your personal identity is wrapped up with White Supremacy to a significant degree?” See? You’ve just accused me of believing in white supremacy. Of being a racist even though all I have done is to take exception to the opinion that every white person is complicit in Travon Martin’s death.

To you and others, I am no different than David Duke. Unless I accept your narrow borders of what we’re allowed to talk about in this case, then I’m a racist. Predictable as the sunset…

Statistically speaking there is a near-zero probability of a jury reaching this verdict if the races of the two people involved were reversed. Ther’s also a much smaller likelihood that the public would have accepted the “he attacked ME!” story at face value.


Also known as “Daddy only drinks because you cry.”

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Oh, so…YOU get to decide weather or not i’m an ok white person? What does “fighting” the system mean? Agreeing with your opinions? Or marching in the streets? Giving money to some group? Will I then be “ok” or am I still one of the “bad” ones?
The fact that you even think I’m not a good person with a diverse group of friends and family because I take exception to this poster speaks to my point.


No, I accused you of nothing, I just asked you questions, because your attitude that you are being personally blamed in these cases is flat-on-the-face irrational. And I’m trying to, with a little bit of humor, point out that. And you turn that into an accusation. Maybe you simply see such accusations everywhere (which is irrational). It wasn’t meant to be. Nor was I legitimately accusing you of possibly having the name “White Supremacy.”

On the other hand, you have outright accused me of conflating you with David Duke, something I’ve never done anything close. Someone else made a comparison that could be read that way, sure. However, let’s look back at the post that got you accused. “Folks that believe white and ONLY white people can be racist are to blame for any and all racial problems in this country.” Not “some”, not “have a share of the blame”, but they cause “any and all racial problems.” Do you perhaps want to walk that back? Correct yourself? I’m honestly giving you the opportunity here, because it’s another thing that sounds so crazy it’s hard for me to believe you actually mean it. So I’m giving you the chance to clear it up. If not, I may have an actual accusation ready for you.


It’s actually a German/Jewish name shared by Bob Dylan.


I think that most of the issues that Vivian Arrora is facing are the same issues that any single parent from a poor background would face. Don’t get me wrong, I think the lack of upward mobility in our country is really serious problem, but I don’t know that it is as strongly tied to race as that headline implies.

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I never said you’re not that. I don’t know whether you are or not. I said if you’re fighting the white supremacist system, you’re cool, by which I mean, you would be a person who recognizes just who, in racial terms, is still the underdog in the U.S., and who is not.

How could you fight it? Yeah, march in the streets. Stand with Trayvon and those who miss him and recognize the role of white supremacy in his murder, and fear for other innocent but targeted black men. Hire people of color when other white people would instead prefer to hire more people “like” themselves. LISTEN to the diverse perspectives of people of color. Argue for curricular inclusion of more diverse materials and perspectives in local schools. Hell, there’s about a million ways to be an okay white person.


By my reading of Huck Finn I would say you have to be most careful of white guys who appear sympathetic. We are all on permanent vacation, we white guys I mean. As soon as Tom Sawyer shows up we will turn on you without a thought.

I try to keep this in mind, not all white guys have figured it out. The life of Reilly leads to over-grown adolescents instead of adults. Chuckle-heads.