White Texan child "traumatized" by classroom photos of Black and White kids holding hands

Unmarked black helicopter parents…


This type of story should be “ traumatizing “ to everyone who sees it.
The tail is wagging the dog.


School officials against this say a policy prohibiting political displays, not related to curriculum, already exists. The trustee who brought this forward didn’t realize that.

Here’s the problem with that policy: everything is political.

Using taxpayer money to fund schools is political. Letting girls attend school and learn to read is political. Letting people of color participate in society as human beings instead of chattel property is political. Allowing people of different religious beliefs to coexist instead of burning people outside the mainstream as witches is political.

Everything we think of as a “basic human right” is an issue that people once challenged, debated, voted on, even killed each other over. Then every so often we have to fight over them again.

You can’t excise all politics from the classroom environment, because the classroom doesn’t exist outside of politics.


Indeed. “Political” is code for “things I disagree with”.


Throw this on the growing stack of inauthentic, manufactured culture war crap that cons are endlessly inventing. There is no way any child in that entire state was “traumatized” looking at a photo of diverse skin tones. Why anyone even entertains these fake campaigns by pearl-clutchers is boggling. Just laugh in their faces and tell them to go read a bible verse. FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE and racist. White supremacist, really.


And “partisan” is code for “political issues I’m on the losing side of.”



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