White venture capitalist sees black men in shared office building gym, calls 911

The good thing is, despite the state’s being one of the whitest in the Union, Minnesota has a long history of progressive populist politics. One way or another, he’s going to lose clients.


Well, it’s not like Fucks News is providing “fair and balanced” coverage. They tend to focus on white grandpas who miraculously get their shooter out and manage to hit the “intruder” and not their wife.


Well everyone having a camera with them at all times - and a video recorder - has allowed the public to see parts of reality they rather wish would have remained invisible.

Tough shit honestly.

People wanted widespread cameras to prove Bigfoot. They were not prepared for the fact, that the monster given proof, was going to be in the form of a mirror.


“The ‘monster’ has always been us.


Additional update on that incident murder:


ETA: Mis-ID.


There is some resemblance between those two people, but if I had to guess I’d say we’re looking at two people, not two pictures of one person.




Yeah. Though the specific case raises issues about the generalities, too. Here, as in many cases where the initial incident isn’t recorded, there’s the unreliable/disproven police version, which seems to have been the basis for press reports of what happened before the camera was turned on. So in that situation, based on the “official” version, we don’t know that resisting took place at all. Then there’s the general issue of the response to “resisting arrest” being incredibly problematic in the way it’s horrifically abused in practice, and the way it should work, in theory, assuming real “resisting” took place. You almost can’t get to the theoretical discussion because the awful realities get in the way.

Despite a lifetime of education trying to convince me otherwise, I’m finally cognizant of how lynching, despite being portrayed as an artifact of a bygone era, is still firmly rooted in American minds today. The execution may be different, but the reflex is 100% still there. So of course these Karens don’t see a problem with what they’re doing - this is how things have always worked. As far as they’re concerned, it’s how things are supposed to work. (And insofar as their expectations are being thwarted, it’s part of the white, heterosexual male grievance fueling Trumpism - their “privilege”, i.e. their ability to lynch, to rape, to queer-bash at will, is being eroded!)

Different guy, it turns out: Is This Ex-Minn. Cop Derek Chauvin Wearing a 'Make Whites Great Again' Hat? | Snopes.com


But you see they feel threatened by the presence of black people! Like that nice bird watcher in Central Park who asked the lady to please put a leash on her dog in line with the rules. She was in hysterics, her voice broke on the phone to the police so threatened was she by the soft spoken 59 year old man with the binoculars.

Edit: I just realised I hadn’t used Amy Cooper’s name in this comment, though it should be stressed that it was Amy Cooper who made that racist phone call


Well, that’s #angrytinkerbell showing all his ass-kissing supporters how it’s done, and of course, being just as stupid as he is, they all follow suit.
Now then, children, can you repeat after me, “this man is a complete fuckwit?” I think we can…


No cognitive dissonance is required when you live inside their bubble. In his Fox News & Facebook flavored world, he’s in the right and has nothing to fear from being recorded.


45 didn’t invent systemic racism & bigotry, or even make it more ‘acceptable’ to those in denial - he’s just the inevitable outcome.


This guy just done f’ed up. The internet does not forgive, does not forget. and if I’m ever going to have any social interaction with someone or hire them for a job google is usually my first stop. This dude is not going to like what he just did to himself.


Goddamit Minnesota, the week isn’t even over yet.

without incident


The cop and the guy wearing that hat can both rot in hell, but the person who posted that tweet erroneously claiming they are the same person isn’t owning up to his mistake very gracefully.

Then again, most of the people demanding he remove the erroneous tweet are MAGA assholes.

Just goes to show that Twitter has nothing of value to offer the world. Burn it down now.


First: I would have wanted the cops there so the whole affair could be recorded and to see how the cops handled it. Period.

Second: …oh. Never mind

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Did you see the 2nd post in the thread by @Grey_Devil?
And don’t get why wanting the cops there would be heavily skin-tone dependent?
For obvious reason’s these guys at their gym might have genuine fear of seeing how the cops handled it


Yeah, I’m not watching that.

"... regular Frisbee or Ultimate Frisbee..."

To use a cancer analogy: he’s a giant tumor, along with many other malignancies scattered around, doing their damage. We need to treat him, obvs, and treat all the other ones too, and address the underlying disease. I’m not sure this patient is save-able, but we gotta try because I don’t want to see any more of my family, friends, their family and friends go down because of the disease. This analogy sucks.