Who funds the "Millennials Rising" Super PAC? Rich old men

Well that is stupid seeing as the only one NOT supported by this corrupt system and vowing to reform it IS a white guy over 50, Bernie Sanders.

You should be refusing to vote for the rich white 0.1%'s puppet candidates and not so easily fooled.

Edit: BUT maybe that was a joke, seeing as that criteria eliminates all the candidates of all the elections. :slight_smile: If so carry on.


As the immortal Dick Cavett once noted, you can re-arrange the letters in Spiro Agnew’s name to get “Grow a penis”




So the same rules as govern certain boing boing headlines?

Hey hippie-puncher: citation needed.

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Rich people only eat factory farmed hippies. The antibiotic super-doses help keep the cooties at bay.


Do Millennial Millennials even like being called “Millennials”?

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See, damn millennials can’t even get their own demographic sorted out.


I want to see the infographic showing his level of support over the years! WHERE’S THE SPIRO GRAPH!



Band name AND album name!


Oh, don’t be a nattering nabob of negativism!


No, that wasn’t the point of SuperPACs. In fact, the opposite is true: individual donors to SuperPACs MUST disclose their contributors of over $200, including their name, amount, occupation, where they’re from and other information. SuperPACs must disclose this information monthly or quarterly during an election year.

The problem is that 540c public-advocacy groups may donate to SuperPACs and THEY don’t have to reveal their individual donors. So Citizens United or the Sierra Club or Advocacy Group I Just Invented with A Name That is Misleading can contribute funds and only be listed as that group, not the donors. So if the Koch brothers funnel tons of money into a 504c group, then it obscures where that money comes from and goes TO.


PROTIP: It’s only ever old people who use the term “Millennials.”

If I could figure out if I was a millennial or not I could let you know. But alas, according to Pepsi commercials I might also be “generation next”.

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I was too late for the Baby Boom and too early for Generation X… I think…

Amateurs! I refuse to vote for anyone.

Not even yourself?

The right not to vote is the right to be free!

Who Funds ALL the Super PACs?

Rich old Men who fears the upcoming revolt.

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