Who Time Magazine should award Person of the Year to


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The “Person of the Year” cover isn’t about who is the most virtuous or who is fighting the hardest to make the world a better place, it’s about who had a visible impact on world events of the last year. It’s not even necessarily supposed to be a good thing, which is why Hitler and Stalin were among those so “honored.”


Kaepernick had a much bigger impact on the resistance and at great personal cost and risk.


I agree, Kaepernick totally makes sense as a candidate for the cover.


Honest question, what do you mean by visible? Do you mean gets lot of media coverage?

Because plenty of people like me pay much more attention to the people actually working for change than who the media chooses to cover. If Time’s person of the year really is just a measure of who sells more advertising dollars then, well, why is it even worth paying attention to?

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I mean someone you can point to and say “boy, the year 2017 sure would have unfolded differently if it hadn’t been for _____.” Usually that means someone who got a lot of media coverage, though not necessarily.


Well, okay, fair enough. But I personally wouldn’t count Clinton in that category. I think she’s had an important but minor impact on the events of the year.

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I think Clinton was mostly included because it would be a great way to mess with Trump.


I think the POTY award should not be awarded only to people. Here’s my nominee:


I don’t know about that. I wouldn’t underestimate the power of The Darwin Effect.

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Because it would give Trump a myocardial infarction.

EDIT: I realize that my response presupposes that Trump actually has a heart.


I hate to break it to you all, but the “Person of the Year Award” goes to whoever the person was who had the most influence over the news this year. Love him or hate him (actually, just hate him), but it’s hard to argue that it isn’t Trump. I challenge you to name one other person who has had nearly as much of an influence over the news this year (from an American perspective) as he has (even if 99% of his influence has been horriffic).

Even if your assertion about the requisite criteria is 100% correct (and I have some serious doubts) they won’t give it to him two years in a row; surely you have to know that.

My bet is on Kap.


I’d use this photo, though:


I know that’s what they say, but the award process is in the end subjective, specifically subject to the opaque agendas of the decision makers at Time.

It is a selection process not unlike the Nobel Peace Prize. Given that prize’s history, if I see a Peace Prize winner coming down the street, I will run for my life.


It’s not. I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that Time, Inc. was just sold to Meredith Corp. (publishers of Better Homes & Gardens, Traditional Home, etc.), in a deal financed by Koch Industries.


It would be nice, though he will be 79 in 2020 maybe too old? And didn’t help that the Democratic party purged the Bernie-ites and it looks from her book that Hillary will proclaim herself blameless and run again.


yeah, who knows. but he’s apparently healthy (healthier than trump?), but 2020 is a ways away. a lot can happen in even one year, as we know.


it’s not: the personal computer was person of the year back in the 80’s. The cat does quite well sum up this year…

