Why bother debating Trump?


Not to get off topic but that is an awesome idea for ice. I’m totally doing that!


Well there you have it. Trump was a total dick, and Biden was slightly better than a wet rag.

Instead of anything useful trump used the platform to call for violence at voting places, and to call for violence by white supremacist terrorists.

I think the debate organizers should reprimand trump for his behavior and cancel the remaining debates.


I think Biden should clearly decline any further debates, while pointing out that

“in order for there to be an actual debate my opponent has to argue in good faith. And we’ve proven he can’t”


No - there should be no opportunity for trump to hang anything on Biden. The organizers must cancel it, because of trump, no other reason, because of trumps refusal to debate, and his reduction of the event to a shoving match. It’s nobody’s fault but trump.


Why bother with debate at all? Choosing somebody for public office based on their performance in a debate is like hiring an electrician based on how well they did in a footrace.

Most debates are pointless anyway as soon as trained debaters, politicians, lawyers, and the like join in because these debate on bad faith: They have a point to get across any which way, valid or not, true or not, defendable or not. Those debates are won by those that use the best tricks and cheats, like a Monopoly game among siblings.


Yep, never a good idea to talk politics in the grocery line.

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"Although the primary debates are run by news outlets in coordination with the major political parties, the general-election debates are hosted by the Commission on Presidential Debates, a nonpartisan, independent body. The group aims to support a lofty ideal: “The CPD’s primary mission is to ensure, for the benefit of the American electorate, that general election debates are held every four years between and among the leading candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States … The CPD was formed to ensure that the voting public has the opportunity to see the leading candidates debate during the general election campaign.”

If the CPD really wishes to benefit the American electorate, it should cancel the rest of the debate season."

There is no point in another shitshow.



Here is a simple way to handle this. If trump will not pledge to honor the results of the election, then he can not participate in the election debate. Period. Biden gets a two hour monolog.

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Is there anything stopping the news organizations (or regular networks) from offering a 2 hour program letting Biden lay out his platform in a non-debate format? They devote countless hours letting trump spew out his lies, so why not a “get to know the candidates” sort of program? Invite some repubs to explain their party platform (hah!) and give equal time for democrats to lay out their party platform, and top it off with complete fact checking of every statement.

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I know in past years, “news” networks were regulated to be required to have equal time for both candidates.

I doubt it’s enforced anymore. They love giving trump free publicity.


“Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table, I have no interest in doing it!” --Barney Frank

Realistically, I wish Biden was a little quicker on his feet, he tended to get bogged down in talking points, there were quicker ways to nullify Trump’s arguments, including some that would have made him turn an even weirder shade of orange-red.


yeah, well lets not crack open the “we shoulda run a different candidate” discussion again. We are lucky he held on as he did. It wasn’t great or even good, he just didn’t go down the drain thank goodness.


I mean it was St. Ronnie the “Communicator” that killed the Fairness Doctrine, else what you espouse might have been possible.
but then, turmp would never have made it past the first primary, had we still a semblance of fairness in political reoprting.


At any rate, I was on the side of there being debates, until last night.

If you were subjected to that avalanche of verbal diarrhea, I doubt you would do as well. I know I could not. The urge to reach over and punch Il Douche in his orange nose would get the best of me. Biden is not a brawler, that’s not his rep and never has been. Did he miss oout on a few (OK, several) chances to score on Donnie? Of course he did. But he kept his train of thought, kept his stamina and fought back. I thought he did well considering what he was up against.


here’s my very unsatisfying “I told you so”


The Republicans said that the 2016 elction was the Flight-93 election. Bits of broken glass would be useful as weapons.

Apparently our president thinks a substantive debate on the nation’s issues means hurling as many insults at your opponent as possible in 2 minute increments.