Why is the Trump administration quiet on Jamal Khashoggi's alleged murder?

No, not like Pulp Fiction. More like Fargo or Snatch. Maybe the best match would be that scene in REDS where we’re introduced to Helen Mirrin’s character.

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But others have sponsored more “freedom fighters”.


It wouldn’t benefit the Trump Administration/GOP to normalize the killing of journalists, so there is no way that is part of it.

I’ve been keeping track. The only other official statement from any country I’ve seen is:

“We are aware of and concerned by these reports. Canadian officials are actively seeking more information,” said Adam Austen, press secretary for Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

Well assuming the RUMOR pans out, that does change things some. But the rest of what I said stands. No one is going to do anything about it.

How many journalists has Russia killed? Condemnation from the international community for human rights violations means fuck all to these people.

Though, again, the story is important, we should spread it. We shouldn’t frame it around Trump.

Reports indicate they sent a special forces hit squad pre-equipped with bone saws. This wasn’t an “arrest attempt.”


Well the fact that he was probably murdered in the consulate (or possibly the diplomatic residence) is quite unusual. This isn’t just “I have no idea who those street thugs might be.” He walked in and it appears that he never walked out.

In the “violation of diplomatic norms” department it bears a passing resemblence to kidnapping the head of a foreign state, and making him “resign.” Which they HAVE done. They seem to regard the the entire arab world as their rightful sphere of influence similar to the way that the PRC regards any place with a significant Han population, or the US tends to regard the Americas.



“It is like ‘Pulp Fiction,’” the official said.

I would have thought Lethal Weapon 2, personally.

Arjen “Aryan” Rudd: What are you doing?

Pieter Vorstedt: I was just checking to see if I was standing on plastic.


Yeah, the “get rid of the body” thing is a bit of a trope, isn’t it? American Psycho also comes to mind.


USA killed 16 in the bombing of Radio Television of Serbia headquarters and managed to bomb Al Jazeera headquarters both in Kabul and in Baghdad “by mistake”. Going after journalist is popular among rogue states.


Not yet, but I suspect they’d bring that up before bringing up Khashoggi’s murder or kidnapping. We’ve been relatively mum on a war of ethnic cleansing in Yemen, while a ship being in the wrong place at the wrong time in the south china seas is basically provocation for world war 3.

But yeah, the Chinese are at least a bit more open about their political crackdown. It’s not right, but not a flat out denial.


My point is that it depends on how we view the country that’s committing these acts - if they’re “friends”, then they get a pass. Our “enemies” do not. Not like that’s anything new, though, Common practice in the CW as well.


Because the American president (whatever their party) regularly comments on global affairs and on human rights abuses (in an entirely slanted and politicized way, but they do it). The president, as head of the executive branch is in charge of foreign policy, and that includes making comments on global events. Given that this happened in a region of the world that we have deep interests in, of course, it would be nice if he could acknowledge what’s happening here.


Oh, look.

I can imagine what that meeting will be like:



“Why is the Trump administration quiet on Jamal Khashoggi’s alleged murder?” Because if the Saudis can get away with it, there’s a whole bunch of American journalists that the Trump Administration would like to get rid of.


It’s ultimately about the money.


Update: (if true)


They’re concerned that Congress might halt or slow down arms deals with Saudi Arabia, of course.


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