Why Japanese are angry over French sports-ball fans who behaved like idiots on a train

Japan bid to host the tournament (and have failed to win twice in the recent past), the revenue from the gate receipts will be in the £100m bracket, and the tourist income will be high too.

A major sports tournament of that size, especially ones that also carry with them a drinking culture is always going to produce occasions like this. And rugby, at a fan and non-professional level, is riddled with drinking and drinking games always to excess, there will also be any number of tribal games and rites which are completely nonsensical to most, even the players, from the harmless but disruptive to the unhealthy and downright dangerous. Rugby fans like to portray themselves as responsible “good” drinkers, the reality is they are just as convivial or unpleasant as any large group of boozed-up people.

pfft, a soccer fan would NEVER behave like this. These damn rugby fans…

Calling the rugby world cup „some kind of soccer tournament“ was already perfect. I appreciate the gesture though.

Les dangers du manque de savoir-vivre au travail…
Rien de plus!

This type of behavior is not normally acceptable in France either, yet sort of expected from sportsball fans.
Some notoriously uptight and culturally shut-in Japanese peeps, caught unaware of sportsball hysteria and unfamiliar with gaijin fans of elegant violence, must have had their minds blown.
An enrichment of their life’s experience.
Those rugby-frogs were nothing like Russian soccer hooligans. Rude, not scary.


Yep! There’s a profound distinction. You non-sports-ball-fans need to learn at least refer to the sportsing lexicon.

Welsh to the best of my knowledge. At least on big fella had a Welsh flag around his neck, like a cape. Another was with a group that included a dragon head and lots more welsh flags.

I would have assumed that these were Scots supporting the Welsh because why not.
The internet informs me that Welshmen in kilts is a thing, though. Well I never.

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