Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

The highlight of the CNN debate for me was the establishment cognitive dissonance after it was over.

The majority of the CNN punditry (of course) went ahead and called it for Clinton even before the camera lights had cooled. However, shortly thereafter there was a glitch in the matrix when they naively consulted their own CNN panel of average Americans who overwhelmingly raised their hands when asked if Bernie Sanders won the debate.


Her reaction is priceless.

CNN corporate employee says:

“Raise your hands if you think Bernie Sanders won this debate…”

[Overwhelming majority raises hands]

After awkward pause… with incredulous, uncomfortable, disheartened voice she reponds:

“Most of you… Okay…”

She replied like it was the wrong answer to a quiz. Hahaha…

And, just for fun. Fox News rounded up some pesky Democrats for their opinion:

I think they may represent more than a few Americans who are now going to switch away from supporting Clinton and now want Sanders in office. Wow, no wonder the establishment only wants 6 debates. I’m sure they wish they could cancel the rest at this point.

Even more pain for the establishment:

Americans are feeling the Bern.