Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

You rock.


You also pop and lock.


I sincerely hope they try everything you just mentioned.

Every time they try those kind of old-school gimmicks, Bernie rises in the polls and upticks in fundraising goals. Americans are tired of that tired shit. Those dirty tactics used to work back in the day, but this is a different time with a very different candidate along with a historically different grassroots following that’ll make mincemeat of any and all pundits that attempt that kind of dated, disingenuous, trite drivel.

Hillary’s camp is still licking their wounds after her corrupt, slimy Super PAC (and other minions) attacked Bernie and failed miserably. Our tactics were very similar to methodologies used in The Art Of War and/or certain martial arts. We used their own expended energy and effortlessly deflected it back against them many-fold. And, to them, I say…

Come at us.


@Cowicide, please contribute your Morpheus to the gif Bank.


Nationwide competition among Bernie Sanders supporters heating up before debate…




Well, thoughts on the debate tonight?

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I like the Republicans better. I’m switching sides. These Democrats are all so serious and nice. We need assholes running things, not compromisers.


BTW: PlayDuck 2016!!!

Jim Webb killed someone. Vote for him.


I can’t decide between the Republican Democrat, the Republican Democrat, or the other Republican Democrat.


Clinton is very well prepared. She’s confident, she debates well.

But I don’t believe her. She flip-flops. Political evolution is one thing, I’m fine with that, but Clinton just says what is expedient. It’s death by focus group.

And on her hawkishness and position on NSA spying I disagree with her utterly, and she isn’t going to do a damn thing about Wall Street.

She is right that whatever happens, the important thing is that the Republicans are kept out of the White House (I assume she’s starting her general election campaigning early here) - but there are many Democrats I’d prefer to see ahead of her.

Sanders is just more genuine - his positions are better than hers and more honest. And more optimistic. So are O’Malley’s, but he’s a charisma free zone. The other two were beyond dreadful. I guess they’re like Walker - just not capable of running for national office. Chafee was nervous and ill-prepared, and Webb’d be great if he was running as a Republican.


The highlight of the CNN debate for me was the establishment cognitive dissonance after it was over.

The majority of the CNN punditry (of course) went ahead and called it for Clinton even before the camera lights had cooled. However, shortly thereafter there was a glitch in the matrix when they naively consulted their own CNN panel of average Americans who overwhelmingly raised their hands when asked if Bernie Sanders won the debate.


Her reaction is priceless.

CNN corporate employee says:

“Raise your hands if you think Bernie Sanders won this debate…”

[Overwhelming majority raises hands]

After awkward pause… with incredulous, uncomfortable, disheartened voice she reponds:

“Most of you… Okay…”

She replied like it was the wrong answer to a quiz. Hahaha…

And, just for fun. Fox News rounded up some pesky Democrats for their opinion:

I think they may represent more than a few Americans who are now going to switch away from supporting Clinton and now want Sanders in office. Wow, no wonder the establishment only wants 6 debates. I’m sure they wish they could cancel the rest at this point.

Even more pain for the establishment:

Americans are feeling the Bern.


I noticed it too. She even circled back around to ask it again a different way at the end, so she could get the answer she wanted favoring Clinton. It was completely nuts. It shows how well Bernie is doing and that the revolution is currently underway.

Let’s talk about the damn emails. No, not the emails, but what Bernie did on the stage. When I first saw it, I flinched like, “No. Wait. Did he just?”

“Let me say something that may not be great politics…”

He recognized before he said it that the media would jump all over it as a “gift” to Hillary and a concession. Nnnnnnope. It was so good that even Hillary smiled and thanked him. It was a brilliant thing to do on his part. It was the loudest cheering of the night, the most energy, when he said it. He managed, with one statement, to deflate the Benghazi email crap and put the debate (and the larger debate) right back where he wants it: on the issues. He reframed the ENTIRE landscape with that statement, and that’s why the response was as big as it was. People want the political landscape reframed.

Pick Hillary and get a smooth talker who will differentiate herself from Obama by “going beyond,” whatever the fuck that means. And no change to the political landscape.

Pick Bernie and you might actually get the action on income inequality that is so badly needed and will drive all the other issues. The political landscape will be forever changed, and for the good.

America, why you still so asleep? Time to wake up.

Nate is on it:


I think Bernie totally smashed it by defending Clinton over the emails on a number of counts:

  • The issue has been flogged to death, and he was right on the money that folks are tired of hearing about it (even Clinton haters, probably)
  • He looked like a bloody champ to Clinton supporters
  • I’m pretty sure almost everyone is tired of political bullshit, and defending an opponent like that is outside those rules, and establishes him as a class act
  • After generating all that positive attention, he was able to turn it to the major issues in his view
  • The combination of the last two points creates and sells the concept of him as someone who only gives a shit about what matters, and not the slightest damn about empty posturing

Clinton did okay, but once you’ve been made sceptical of her, she’s toast. Sanders’ emphasis on the poisonous influence of big money on politics nicely paints a Clinton-shaped silhouette, while he continues the class act by refraining from attacking her.


That’s a good list. He is so good that even Hillary likes him. “Thank you, Bernie!” That damn email line will go down in history, but so will “Thank you, Bernie!”

Everybody keeps talking about a Hillary & Bernie ticket. I think that would be wonderful: Bernie as PRESIDENT, with a Clinton veep.


That was the path she chose 2 decades ago when she allowed herself to think that she had been wrong about health care reform. Now, pivoting is the only thing she can do. As political skills go, pivoting is useful but pretty old hat. Except on CNN.


I thought it was a nice bit of aikido.