Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

[quote=“Kimmo, post:575, topic:59394, full:true”]
Although according to the linked article, it may not do much for him in Ohio…
[/quote]You should throw a huge heaping of salt onto corporate media-speak. They use very deceptive language with half-truths and lies to promote specific points of view.

For example, in the article, CNBC lied:

“On Tuesday, Ohio voters strongly rejected the legalization of marijuana.”

That’s an outright lie. What Ohio voters really strongly rejected was the setup of a corporatist monopoly, not the legalization of marijuana.

TYT covers it here:

That said, I should probably stop using liars like CNBC as a source anymore.


Planned Parenthood for Bernie Sanders:

Article Planned Parenthood linked to above:

7 Fantastic Times Bernie Sanders Stood Up For Women & Their Rights

link: http://www.bustle.com/articles/121154-7-fantastic-times-bernie-sanders-stood-up-for-women-their-rights


This is Bernie’s first televised ad:


Noam tells it like it is. The only point of disagreement I may have is towards the end where he says there’s no continuing movement set up for after the general election.

That’s incorrect. The plan that we’ve symbioticly laid out with Bernie is the fight is to move forward with our grassroots movement afterwards. Sanders has made this point many times as have the grassroots support that surrounds him.


Maybe you should set him straight?

BTW, I wonder why my vid didn’t automatically embed.

[quote=“Kimmo, post:581, topic:59394”]
why my vid didn’t automatically embed
[/quote]It showed up embedded for me.

[quote=“Kimmo, post:581, topic:59394”]
Maybe you should set him straight?
[/quote]Could email him showing links to evidence, I suppose. Then again, he probably gets massive amounts of emails and mine wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar.

Seems like our man has plateaued…

WTF :disappointed_relieved:

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Rousey feelin’ the Bern:


Link to the original article for any of those, who like me, had AOL spaz out on the blockers you’re running:


We need something to make the Bern cut through the bullshit for POC.

Maybe if he emphasised and extended his policies regarding the popo, he could get some traction.

As far as gaining on Hillary recently, yes. Longterm? No.

Hillary is bouncing back in polls after a steady decline, however, Bernie certainly hasn’t plateaued. His overall polls dipped slightly and are now back on the same upward clip as before.

If you look at the longterm trend, Hillary is still down from when Bernie entered the race despite her recent climb (which I think will level off soon – unlike Bernie). Meanwhile, Bernie’s overall climb continues despite a slight downturn after the corporate media distorted the results of the first debate.

Here’s Bernie as of today:

As we can see, If the media had hoped to lastingly thwart his climb, they failed miserably. If anything, he’s now at a steeper clip than before the brief lull.

Also, keep in mind that a lot of these polls are skewed against Sanders’ more likely voters (too much of a focus on landlines, too little focus on social media, etc.) so he’s closer to Hillary than they make him appear.

Another aspect to keep in mind is the media still avoids covering Sanders properly:

In some ways, I think this will work in Bernie’s favor as it’ll perhaps catch Hillary’s campaign off-guard when far more voters turnout for Sanders than they or the corporate media anticipate. Keep in mind, the same media that’s saying that Bernie doesn’t have a chance now is the same media that told us all until they were blue in the face that he’d never get this far.

No doubt much more work must be done if Sanders is to win. But we knew this would be a struggle of epic proportions from the get-go. It’ll be a hell of a lot of grassroots work for all of us, but Bernie can beat Hillary and it’s still clear he’ll destroy any Republican candidate in the general.



The World’s Most Badass Woman Has Thrown Her Weight Behind Bernie Sanders

link: http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/worlds-most-badass-woman-has-thrown-her-weight-behind-bernie-sanders

Also, this is an interesting take against all the latest media hype that still says Bernie can’t win:

Why Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Have a Superdelegate Problem After All

link: http://thebernreport.com/why-bernie-sanders-doesnt-have-a-superdelegate-problem-after-all/

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Holy crap!


Thank goodness. I was very disheartened looking at recent polls. Those Benghazi hearings were so good for Clinton it was almost enough to make you think it was a conspiracy to get Sanders out by having the Republicans prop her up.

But in that mock election - I realize they have a good historical record, but who the hell is Lex Green? [rhetorical]


Thanks. Must have been channeling my mom, who continues her 20 year old AOL email address (and pays for it!!!).


Reddit User Claims He Was Paid to trolley Bernie Sanders Supporters

Did a pro-Clinton SuperPAC hire internet trollies to steer online conversations?

link - Social News Daily

If allegations are true, this may be related:

Then again, FTA:

The post originally appeared in /r/sandersforpresident, but was removed by admins who say the user offered no proof of employment as a paid internet trolley.

Maybe just a hoax, maybe…

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This is a powerful endorsement for Bernie Sanders:

Postal workers union backs Bernie Sanders


Slate Online Poll:

Time Online Poll:

And yet…