Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

Unfortunately, yes, that is our current reality. I am not in favor of repealing the ACA, as much as I hate it. I don’t want to give the bastards back one inch. But what to do, instead? I really don’t know. …Wait for better “political weather” and do something new and useful is what I’d really like to see happen. Right now we are on a race to the bottom, with politics as entertainment, complete with Donald Trump verbal smackdowns, Ted Cruz irrationality, Hillary dissembling, and a media that has sapped the process of all seriousness. The process itself is in the shitter. America is playing with fire but doesn’t realize it, so ignorant.

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Well, there was supposed to be a medicare expansion, but it’s not happening in many of the states (the one I live in, for example), because OBUMMER!!! As a result, my mom can’t get care from the state at all.


Bernie Sanders believes he can [convert supporters of Republican frontrunner Donald Trump] (http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/bernie-sanders-ambitious-plan-win-backing-donald-trump-supporters).

Race and gender expansive outreach to working voters impatient with GOP devotion to the self-congratulating, check-dodging idle wealthy is to the new Democratic governing coalition what Barry Goldwater, Nixon’s southern strategy were to the GOP in the 60s.

What’s needed are more local projects and bread-and-butter issues to organize and make the case between elections.


Oh, I wasn’t saying ‘go back’, I was saying ‘Obama ruined an opportunity to do something better, according to people who I had reason to respect the opinion of on the matter’

Yeah, that’s the real problem, isn’t it? The process plays to the strengths of the psychopathic and away from the strengths of the best of us.


You posted “Sanders among politicians is a fuc*** saint!”

That is a the “non-brainer”

U.S. Congress and Governors political endorsements:

Clinton 195

Sanders 2

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so endorsements == sainthood?


I think you’re misreading “among politicians.”

You seem to be reading it as “Sanders is considered by other politicians to be a f***ing saint!”

I think the intention was to say, “Sanders, compared to other politicians, is a f***ing saint!”


Political endorsements = votes

I get what you mean.

I know this. Whoever wins the Democratic Party nomination, Bernie or Hillary, I will work for and support the winner—I wonder if a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters who demonize Hillary will do the same thing.

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Hm, my comment about Obama and Clinton being worse than Bush had an effect…

But I wasn’t thinking about healthcare; more along the lines of Gitmo, war crimes and generally flouting the rule of law.

Obama won millions over by sounding like a proper statesman, and by creating the impression that he wanted to do lots of progressive stuff because he’s a smart guy. But in hindsight it turns out that you can only reconcile his words and his deeds by plumbing new depths of two-faced arsehole and cranking your cynicism up to eleven.

The gap between richer and poorer widened even further under Obama. Fuck-all has been achieved in relation to CO2. And @doctorow tells us he is actually a bigger crook than Bush (election-rigging aside).

And there’s not the slightest hint we can expect Clinton to be one iota more progressive than Obama, because she’s also bought and paid for, and will sing any tune you like, with the occasional clanger (her fave, Wait Till I’m Prez, is not a hit). It doesn’t matter one solitary arse hair what any of these jokers actually say.

Except for this one old guy who plainly doesn’t give flying fuck about window dressing, who is the sort of bloke you know you can actually believe, and this guy, he’s not only in politics, where folks like this account for like <1%, he’s having a serious crack at POTUS! Not to mention reforming the fucking craven Democrats, those rancid bloody suckholes.

Now, in my view, we’re standing in the half-light of the tunnel end’s approach, and this is the chance of a lifetime for the US electorate.

Your lack of a chance, brought to you by Carl’s Jr.
Fuck you! I’m eating!


Isn’t that how it works in the Catholic church?



Nope. Not helping her. I’ll write in Sanders if I have to. I’m not OK with intentionally assisting the ushering in of yet another 4-8 years of GWB’s policies.

[edit] Just to be clear, I don’t demonize her, she’s just a shill with less harmful social policies than whomever the Republicans front.


To bad you feel that way.

I believe that Bernie, if he loses will support Hillary.

Either Bernie or Hillary have good chances of winning the DEM nomination but

If Hillary wins and chooses Bernie as her VP running mate, and Bernie accepts what will be your decision come election day?

I know many people believe that hypothetical will never happen or makes sense.

It’s a poor hypothetical. O’Malley stands a far better chance of gaining the VP nom than Sanders.

[derp, spelling]


Sanders will never be the veep. Clinton might pick O’Malley if she wins, but I still suspect a Castro brother.

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Some of my favorites are Julian Castro, Bernie, O’'Malley, Elizabeth Warren and Jennifer Grandholm.

The other four would be excellent choices for Bernie.

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Warren would never go for it, not with Clinton. Jenny’s from Canada, she can’t be (I live in Michigan, BTW, all too familiar with her). Castro is certainly possible. Bernie just isn’t.


You’re probably right Daneel,

However voter turnout out is a key in 2016–the star power that the DEM’s could put on the campaign trail can not be matched by the GOP.

I can see the massive crowds coming out to see Bernie, Hillary, President Obama, V.P. Biden in Pennsylvania especially, First Lady Michelle Obama, Former president Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren etc–the GOP cannot match this star power on the campaign trail.

DEM’s can campaign in all 50 states criss-crossing the country, motivating and getting out the vote.

You have a very synergistic vision, but the Democratic reality is that they do not behave that cohesively. Hillary will not pick Bernie or O’Malley as VP. Or Warren. I will also bet cold hard cash that she will not pick a woman as running mate. Or someone very old or very young. The person she picks will be exactly 57.2 years old and male and white.