Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton

That’s Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe III “Bill” Clinton, please.


I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this person is a paid astroturfer (is “paid” redundant?). The bot-like, repetitive replies lack a certain, let’s see, genuine passion.


Anyone else notice Hillary’s logo points right? Just sayin’…


It is left from her POV.


As in, “merge right or get off the road”?


Shhh, you’ll ruin it.

I’ve been biting my tongue on a similar comment for months; Khepra is one of the more effective pro-Bernie campaigners around here, albeit probably unintentionally. I’ve been thinking of my restraint as a donation to the Sanders campaign.


No, I’m just thinking most candidates stand behind their logo. To anyone standing behind this logo, the arrow points left.

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Shit. Goldwater was sandbagging.


Hillary Dennis Rodman Clinton is the greatest presidential candidate ever to undergo a candidation! She is the most progressive, the most moderate, the most prudent and also the most fearless, she has already done everything you ever wanted her to do since she has been in government forever and ALSO IS ABOUT TO DO all those things, FINALLY, next year right after being sworn in as the 45th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES a position for which she is the most qualified candidate EVER! She is the ultimate insider and the ultimate outsider and the fact that she happens to be married to a former president who is not eligible to run again is simultaneously HER GREATEST QUALIFICATION and also COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT you damn dirty sexist.


PMSL :grin:

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As come on! :open_mouth:

Now you know that means “Moving Forward” and continuing the successful policies of the Democratic Party under the leadership of President Obama–not going backwards to the failed political, economic, social and foreign policy of the Republican Party under the failed leadership of George W. Bush.

Interesting that on reflection,:pensive:

After reading your inretesting post, the words, antithesis, antipode and antithetical come to mind–and represent multiple analytical reasons Why (** *** ***) to vote for Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. :girl:

So you don’t trust Hillary for something that you can’t see and is based on conjecture and speculation. Yet you support Bernie Sanders despite something you can see-- and is based on the clear-cut and definitive fact that Bernie voted for Wall Street legislation, that deregulated Wall Street, when he did not have to do so, because the votes were there to pass the legislation.

Interesting :unamused:

Tomorrow night is important, despite the polls no victory is guaranteed; and every vote counts. Unless another Michigan occurs, after tomorrow night the Sanders campaign will be reduced to a symbolic political revolution with the inevitable outcome being Hillary Clinton winning the democratic presidential nomination-- and going on to become the 45th President of the United States.

I will admit, people I know in New York who support Hillary, think the race is much closer than the polls indicate. I agree with them, all the more reason Why (** *** ***) to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Or something.




I think that if we had the option of continuing under the leadership of President Obama this whole discussion would be moot.


Okay, this is weird though… I pointed this out on Facebook as well and got a similar response. I just thought it was kind of a funny observation rather than a substantive criticism, but I’ve become weirdly heated on one issue:

Who stands behind a logo? Imaginary observers behind logos is not a thing!

Is the FedEx logo moving backwards now? Are all wordmarks just mirror-writing?!



Which direction is the arrow pointing from Hillary Diane Sawyer Clinton’s perspective?


Logos aren’t consumed from Hillary Princess Diana Hotrod Clinton’s perspective, though. Shouldn’t the voters’ perspective be the only important one?