I voted Green in the UK because I though Miliband and the Labour party were rubbish, and I’m supporting Stein here because she’s left of Clinton, who I really don’t like. As mentioned elsewhere, I wouldn’t do that if I lived somewhere Trump might win.
I don’t like the Green’s position on alternative medicine, and in the UK, there’s also a worrying anti-semitism, but as I said, voting for them is about who they aren’t, mostly (although Caroline Lucas is awesome, and I suspect Bernie’s brother is too).
(although, to be fair, my vote in the UK was in a marginal constituency Labour needed to win, so perhaps I should have voted for them despite my misgivings)
I want to like the US Green Party, and besides a few things where they’re more of a hippie movement than a political movement, they’re generally better than the Dems. on many fronts. They shoot themselves in the foot with the hippy claptrap that alienates normals who could benefit from a lot of their policies/platform, though it’s their foot to shoot.
I’d actually say more like Average Grade School Teacher > Average Citizen who values Science > Clinton > Jill Stein > Average Juggalo > Average Senator > Average Violent Felon > Donald Trump when it comes to the qualities that enable them to do a good job in the role. Clinton’s definitely above average for a senator though!
Being able to learn and grow gets weeded out pretty quickly in politics, where firmly sticking to stances is valued and maturing becomes flip-flopping.
While I see your point, I challenge the non-Green parties to produce a candidate who inspires a rally attendee to perform a modern interpretive dance right in front of the candidate during a speech. (Which is what happened at a 2000 Nader rally in Austin)
Goes to show how ridiculous it is when douchebags accuse leaders on the left of being motivated by ego, when it’s obviously about advancing a progressive agenda.