Why people keep watching the worst movie ever made

allow me to offer what i consider the worst seriously made movie in recent times–“natural born killers.” i’ve seen it three times in its normal state along with one viewing of an “extended release” cut that came out a few years after its video release. in most ways it fails to come up to the standards of “plan 9” or even “manos.” “the room” is pretty stiff competition though.

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But it makes so much sense!

Close, sort of. That would be paraphrasing Tolstoy’s ‘Anna Karenina’

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Hey! ‘C.H.U.D.’ is (somewhat surprisingly) pretty decent. Also has John Goodman in a bit part.

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I’ve actually watched Manos sans Joel and the bots, and enjoyed it. Granted, I’d already seen the MST3K version many times which helped prepare me.

Glen or Glenda is my favorite of Wood’s films and actually ranks up there as one of my favorite films generally.

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It’s so amazing, too! The wrestling scene in the middle of the film…

I’d love to show that to a class one day.



OK. . . I will have to admit, although I’ve heard about this film for years, I’ve never seen it, but hearing more about it interests me on a sociological or artistic level. I have never really liked “bad” movies that much. Typically I can watch them once and I’m done; the string holding up the fake vampire bat or UFO just isn’t that funny the second time around.

In other words, the story surrounding the creation of “Plan 9”, or “The Room” is always a lot more interesting than the films themselves, but you have to see the films to get there.

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Now I want to see that movie and I cant stand Mike Meyers outside of Wayne’s World.

5 minutes ago i just watched “forbidden zone” – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbidden_Zone

i’m not going to say it’s so bad it’s good or even that it’s necessarily bad but it seemed germane to the conversation somehow.

Isn’t bizarre writing the point of movies? I can hear “naturalistic” dialog in countless places in everyday life, so I have always preferred weirdly stilted writing in the movies I watch.

I’m ridiculously fond of Killer Klowns from Outer Space. I know, it’s sometimes often as dumb as a stump, and the effects are klutzy and cheap-looking. But when I consider how much imagination it took to come up with some of the “gags” the klowns play on their unsuspecting prey… I’m impressed. Somebody put effort into it. I think I prefer movies that attempt something ambitious, audacious–even if they fail–than a movie that plays it safe and tells the same old story yet again.

All that aside… I haven’t seen the Room yet. I’m curious, but a little afraid at the same time. :neutral_face:


Oh, I’m sure I’d find some redeeming features about it now if I watch it again. It’s just that at the time, I was in my teens, and the biggest thing I remember taking away from the movie was visibly seeing the budget drop in the last third of the movie, and some truly awful acting.

There are so many worse then The Room… Like

After Last Season:

I Am Here… Now (2009)


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Do note though that anytime someone over the age of 7 demonstrates what a vampire / zombie / other monster is to a younger child, that gif represents the EXACT way they act.

Atrocious movie -> nonetheless, timeless element that will last thousands of years.

There’s a silver lining to every cloud.

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The thing about Plan 9 is that there’s this… naive? quality to Ed Wood’s work- It’s like he honestly believed he was making the greatest motion picture ever filmed- And somehow that enthusiasm bleeds through.

Like your kid’s third grade school play. It’s terrible, but at the same time, you keep wanting to enjoy it.


Forbidden Zone is such a weird, handmade, left-field piece of self-aware art that it sorta exists outside of good/bad movies. I love its utter bizarreness and Susan Tyrell is a force of nature.

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How could y’all not have mentioned this one yet?

I am officially Disappointed in Boing Boing. :wink:


Obviously there can be no definitive answer, but in addition to the many shockingly awful movies here, I’d nominate Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid. I swear, the only possible explanation for the end of the movie is that they ran out of money and just had to cut it there.

I was watching some of the MST3K reboot (continuation?!?) on Netflix. Most of the movies were bad but just bad. There was one, though, Cry Wilderness, that is crazy terrible.