Was this movie a video game at some point? I remember it being one, but searches produce nothing…
I was actually thinking this was a good reason to get a WiiU.
Omg you are right I was thinking of Bad Mojo at about the same time.
What’s wrong with youth today? When I was a kid, we broke the roaches apart and rolled a new blunt, we didn’t waste them by sticking them in our Atari.
Roach in console?
When you have a death claw in your console let me know.
Meh. We just give them names and treat them like the other housepets.
I lived in a roach infested house once. It was fairly common in that neighbourhood, unfortunately. It was gross, but otherwise livable as a student (I wouldn’t want kids there). The real hell started when we also got mice. Those things make noise, and they eat through everything.
I’m glad I live in miserable weather UK where roaches are not normally seen in domestic buildings, the most we get is ants and maybe a slug or two.
Also, it’s fucking Sony. I expect no less from these shitheads.
There’s an idiom here in Japan that goes something like, "If you see one cockroach, it means there are hundreds. "
I found a cockroach in my apartment once. I managed to get it outside and I haven’t seen any in over two years. My paranoia still gets the best of me when I think of that idiom though…
I seem to recall reading sometime (1990s? early 2000s?) that at some point, structured wiring like Cat3 and Cat5 had jacketing that made use of organic corn solid as a plastic stabilizer. This lead to an increase in rodents gnawing on cabling.
Perhaps the SONY PlayStation 4 makes use of a similar organic material in its components that attracts the cockroaches.
The poop-stains aren’t a feature?
I read the article on the way to work and now I want to check my ps4.
As an aside- when we lived in central Florida we were one of the only houses on the block that didn’t have an account with pest control. Why? One of our cats liked red throated lizards that lived in the area, but only the tails. She would bring live ones inside, take the tail, and let the lizard go to grow another. So while we had lizards living in the walls, we didn’t have problems with insects.
It’s times like this that I’m glad to live somewhere cold and that we’ve never done anything to harm our house spiders. The worst we get is seasonal bugs (stink bugs, boxelder, and Chinese bite-y ladybugs). Solved with a vacuum and caulk.
I.e., your cat farmed lizards. Your cat was involved in primitive animal husbandry.
Yes! With the occasional gutted lizard sacrificed to her mysterious gods. Sliced down the middle, guts taken away, tail gone, the rest of the lizard pristine. All done by a cat with no front claws.
*disclaimer- I had nothing to do with the declawing. I don’t think cats should be declawed.
It’s amazing how many problems can be solved with nothing more than a vacuum and a cock.
The cause of, and solution to, all life’s problems.