Originally published at: Why this 5,000 year old chalk drum is one of the most important prehistoric finds in Britain | Boing Boing
It looks at all of Europe, not just Britain. Otherwise, why would the Nebra sky disk be their star exhibit?
I want one to keep my weight lifting chalk in, styling.
I can’t help but think that I’d be disappointed if I met you IRL; but, on BB, you sound soooo cooooool.
And if he doesn’t look like his profile pic, I’ll be gravely disappointed.
Wait, we let that one out of Germany into the British Museum? Are we sure that we will get it back?
Heh, I am sure they got all the assurances they could get in writing. Plus, it wouldn’t be the first time it had to be retrieved from a third country through an Interpol sting…
Oh, it’s a weird Smiley Face Emoji!
British Museum, “All your artefact are belong to us!”
Edited to improve verisimilitude.
This one, surely?
Actual footage of a British Field Trip.
That story was actually really nicely told recently on ZeitZeichen. By the one who was posing as bait.
The podcast “Stuff The British Stole” is a lot of fun!
Nah, it’s a recipe for pizza:
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