Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/29/why-trump-considers-gag-orders-to-be-megaphone-not-a-muzzle.html
Judge Walton was appointed to his various positions by Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and John Roberts but I have a hunch the MAGA folks are still going to characterize him as a left-wing extremist for voicing this ultimately toothless criticism of their leader.
Is there anyone, and I do mean anyone, who doesn’t understand that the legal system treats the rich, white, and well-connected vastly differently than they treat the darkly complected and the poor?
It’s a fucking disgrace.
In 4 years, he left hundreds of cabinet positions unfilled, but managed to seat hundreds of judges around the country.
Trump never had the foresight to do that. That was McConnell, who gave Trump a list and said “If you rubberstamp these appointments and I’ll say something nice about you in public.”
Trump is setting up an appeal. After conviction, he will claim that the judge had it in for him. Why was the judge prejudicial? Because Trump attacked his family. This might work with the present SCOTUS.
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