Originally published at: Why was Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders' fancy $19,000 lectern put on a government credit card? | Boing Boing
Maybe it was for the membership rewards points. In which case, the taxpayers benefit, right?
You have to get around this competitive bidding process somehow.
Sanders’ office has called the use of a state credit card for the lectern an accounting error.
An error only in the sense that this constipated-looking Xtianist was actually called to account for something corrupt she did. Such is the way with “small government” conservatives from the party of “fiscal responsibility”.
I hope someone carves their name in it.
I’d be curious about the split between “thinks self too good for prole-tier lectern, purchases genuinely high cost option” and “purchases perfectly ordinary lectern; but Virginia of Beckett events is a good friend who needs to eat too” is.
Either is a bad look; but at least arrogance has the potential to stop with one person; while the latter option suggests a broader problem.
This was a side story on an episode of Veep, where it also became a scandal for being ridiculously expensive.
ETA: the crate was only $1200.
There is no lectern?
No news on how much the lettuce cost (or how much it would have cost after her departure)
How much could a lectern cost? Ten dollars?
I wonder how much the lectern SNL built for Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer bit cost.
The day the original Melissa McCarthy as Spicer sketch aired was the day I knew Spicer wasn’t going to last as spokesliar.
Let this also be the tipping point for more transparency in government spending. We’ve needed this for a long while. We can at least agree on government waste, so let’s get to it!
The Mirror reports that Truss’s lectern has been abandoned as no one wants it:
Don’t blame them - it’s probably cursed.
WTF. How can a lectern cost $19,000?!
No clue. But I bet I could make you one for only $18,999
I’m Welsh. I could do that for a tenner mate ; )
It’s curious that a ordinary looking lectern became a $20K heirloom when it was purchased from an “Events Concept & Design” business, which doesn’t normally sell furniture, through a process that violated pretty much every state procurement rule.
and there’s this
and 409 products in between
what’s neat is that customizations probably account for most of the bill, and you’d never know where that money is actually going. Good for money laundering?
Probably has some ballistic armor inside, plus a heathy amount of carbon-fibre to make the rest of it “lightweight”.
I’m just tickled pink that people are actually correctly calling it a lectern and not a podium.