Why you don't park in front of a fire hydrant

Acura… or as they say in Canadaland…A-cure-ah.


Next will be a story about the outrage of the owner.

“I was just there for a few minutes! You didn’t even try to locate me! If you had asked me, I would have moved it! There was no reason to do that! I’m suing the city for $100,000 for emotional distress!”

I’ve seen this run-the-hose-through-the-car in a movie. Was it Backdraft?

Ah, yes it was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTWvE7TdjuE


Oh god, BACKDRAFT. I haven’t thought about that movie in ages. In my college dorm, “Check that door for heat!” became a catchphrase for checking to make sure your roommate didn’t have, uh, “company” over before you just waltzed on in.


I’m pretty sure the adjuster will take one look at the picture and deny the claim as the owner was breaking the law.

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Another vote for Quick Change. One bit of trivia: it’s also the only movie that Bill Murray has ever directed. (Or co-directed, at least…)

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No. We have them, but wouldn’t use them here. Elbows impede flow.


Two windows are probably less expensive than damaging the transmission by pushing the car forward against Park (automatic) or first gear + parking brake (manual).


Firehoses, especially the big ones, are pretty sturdy (they have to be, since (a) they have to hold in fairly hefty water pressures, and (b) they are often, by necessity, deployed where there is broken glass and other debris around from a fire). In particular if you clear away any pointy or sharp-edged bits along the lower edge of the window there shouldn’t be a problem threading a hose through the car windows.


I think all modern car windows are safety glass. They turn into a pile of silica pebbles when broken. Only the windshield is laminated with vinyl to keep it in a single piece, but none of them should form jagged edges.


and in the context where righteousness saves lives, and not just face.

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You sure you’re sure? Because that sounds like your imagination making stuff up.

It’s okay, sometimes we can identify with the asshole of the piece, and resent the people who did the right thing. We all have that day. Heads up, today may be your day.


You sure you don’t know? You seem to be all knowing.

Are you a firefighter? No?. Then would you not mansplain what they need. You sound foolish.

What they needed to do is what they did.

This is a funny story of someone getting their entitlement checked. I can understand why some folks can only say “consequences are awful, stop with the consequences”, because some people are kids, even as adults.


And the glass in car windows is safety glass, designed to shatter without jagged shards.

ETA: What @PhasmaFelis said.


Backdraft warned of this in 1991: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTWvE7TdjuE


Pretty much, the firefighters aren’t there for leisure. It’s an emergency with lives and property (more valuable than two smashed windows) at stake.


Armchair firefighting is one of the funniest attempts at invalidating shit stirring I’ve seen here in a while.

We need smarter trolls.


There’s another car parked in front of the offending car, so pushing the car out of the way (forward or backward) wasn’t really an option.

I admit to playing devil’s advocate with some frequency but there’s just no reason to argue that firefighters should be more considerate of some asshole parking right in front of a fire hydrant when there’s an actual emergency going on. They can launch the car with a catapult for all i care.


I am shocked. SHOCKED to learn this. :wink: