Wickedbone is a smart dog toy that plays with your pooch all on its own

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/28/wickedbone-is-a-smart-dog-toy.html

I agree. $69.95 does sound like a wicked bone right now.


Since my dog is barely slowed down by “indestructible” chew toys, I can guarantee that five minutes after being gifted a Wickedbone, Ben would be chewing on circuitboards and batteries.


has its own AI-driven emotional programming system, allowing it to read how your dog is reacting, then adjust itself accordingly.

Yeah, right. :roll_eyes:


And even if your dog gets afraid and runs away, Wickedbone has a way of dealing with that too.


My dogs LOVE chewing on filthy surfaces. If we don’t hand them something filthy, they will find something ready-made with filth or just create it on their own. Also, they love rolling in foul smelling spots and drinking out of puddles I wouldn’t even want to drive through. Look at the gunk on my mutt’s tongue! He is delighted.


Wickedbone… Oh I don’t know… just assemble your own joke about Boston and erections…

If it’s not funny then it’s your own fault!


Those wheels looked awful easy to pull off. As rover will sure discover.

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Expensive for my dog to pin down and dismantle within the day.

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A day? That’s not even trying.

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Six days. “Indestructible”.

The tile is 12.5 inches each side, BTW.

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So I got one of these from Amazon Vine for a product review. Nevermind that it was being pushed then as a toy for cats and dogs. (It’s not for cats. Mine were afraid of the noisy, lumbering mechanical bone and wouldn’t go near it.) My biggest complaint about it is that you control the toy’s movement with an app on your phone. You can directly guide it, or you can set it to run autonomously. But to do either, you needed to be within 2 feet of the toy, because it’s done over Bluetooth, I think. It just doesn’t work very well. I gave it 1 star in my review, boxed it back up, and donated it to a place that disassembles electronics for the components.


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