I was trying to figure out how to include your post as a “reply to” target, because YEAH. That “no, we meant to screw them - they’re in cahoots!”, followed by the “multiple parentheses and black glasses? seems like a tribal marking of our enemies to me!” and THEN followed by repeating that along with the phrase “virtue signaling”, and yeah fuck him. And then, yeah, the bit to Snowden, and…
(And this is all AFTER shit like fleeing sexual assault charges, previous antisemitic statements, doxing afghan activists…)
It’s like he’s trying to be a poop avalanche.
What other purpose would be behind such an attitude? I mean…JFC, that’s one hell of a damning answer on Assange’s part. And another douchenozzle works his magic.
And I find people who feign objectivity/impartiality to be highly untrustworthy. They’re certainly not above “it” by remaining silent and skulking around.
I was willing to entertain the vague possibility that intelligence was involved with some of the complainants about him… But no. Just another narcissist who “doesn’t care what people think of him” and it shows. The sort of chancre who attaches themself to a “cause” out of vainglory.
After watching that Bernadette Cumberbund film about Assange, it really hit home for me that this material, whatever it’s public interest uses, is also gossip. And it’s subject to all the worst tendencies of small town talk in the global arena.
It’s rather remniscent of a popular politician who’s been in the press recently for similar acts where pride has got in the way of self interest.
Maybe we could coin the term “drumpfing” for those times where ones ego demands that one attack, and possibly lose, a supporter because they have dared to criticise or disagree with one?
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