Wikileaks threatens to sue "fake news producers"

i’m a little surprised that wikileaks hasn’t been sued for invasion of privacy and libel. Britain is way more hospitable to that sort of thing than the US.

Or to him, which explains Putin, also.


Yeah, no doubt.
Questions like; “Doesn’t this pizza parlor have a basement?”
And: “If not, why not?”


Keeping it real… as much as I can’t stand him (actually stopped paying attention to politics after he won the Republican nomination, because how do you take any of it seriously after that?)… He has everybody on their toes. His presence is actually rallying the decent part of America to action in a way boingboing or wikileaks was never able to… If Hillary had won it would be more of the same "yeah everything’s great! :smiley: " bullshit that middle-america has been on since forever… Assange may be a douche, but I think Trump is his long game, and intended as our wake-up call.

Normally these lawsuits are against journalists. Assange is a propagandist, kind of like an antisemitic Joe Goebbels.

(Ironically, Private Eye’s editor is the guy who first exposed Assange’s delusional conspiracy theories about the British press.)

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You apparently enjoy a position of privilege that enables you to live out most of your life without worrying how “politics” will impact you personally. Not everyone has that luxury.

The behavior you describe as “keeping people on their toes” literally has life-or-death consequences for countless people. Americans with pre-existing conditions whose health care is at risk. Immigrant families torn apart and children put in cages. The last of our manufacturing industry moving operations overseas due to Trump’s petty trade war. Looming global catastrophe from climate change denialism.

This isn’t a game.


You are perpetuating bufonophobic imagery and slanders against all decent frogs and toads. I demand that you remove this at once.

I’ll just run it past our hot ‘n’ juicy lawyers.


(Emphasis mine) That’s the most redundant thing I’ve seen all weekend.

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The boldfacing might have been yours, but the adjective was chosen deliberately to add an emphasis that was emphatically mine.

That’s the sort of thing that’s worth linking to


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