Originally published at: Wildlife photographer snaps image of mysterious hairy beast that turned out to be something even odder - Boing Boing
Clearly a Red Crested Merkin seen in its wild habitat
I think I recognize this one…
In Somerset? I think not!
Coulda been an escaped pet haggis.
That’s a hell of a long way to go. All pet haggiopodes (getting my retaliation in early, there - haggises? haggi? haggis’s - given the doubt, it must therefore be haggiopodes) must be licensed and licences are only issued to Scottish residents. So if it is an escaped one it has travelled far (kidnapped?) or has been kept illegally.
But pet or no, the photographer did the right thing to keep his distance.
Here in Texas, we call that a Tumbleweave.
Even Trump’s longest associate has abandoned him? Wombling free.
I often see random wigs lying on the ground in the city.
But out in a wild area? That’s truly a rare event.
We’re doomed!
Came here for the tribbles; not disappointed.
Glad to hear there wasn’t a head in it
It appears that absolutely anything with a face qualifies as a Haggis as long as their body is rounded and unathletic, and whose nature can be described as lazy and opportunistic.
I wouldn’t eat that with someone else’s mouth.
Also difficult to think about.
Very much so!
Could’ve hitchhiked.