Will a Venus Flytrap eat jelly beans instead of flies?

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Yes, it is really easy to kill a Venus Flytrap. Putting a jellybean in it would probably do it.
Putting your finger into the leaf to make it close can kill that leaf too.
I kept one alive for about 3 years once, but it was not easy. Too much food is as bad for them as not enough, or the wrong kind.


They are hard to take care of (as @PartTimeZombie noted) and very easy to kill. They need a lot of light and a lot of moisture; their natural habitat is swampy and low-nutrient areas. They evolved to eat insects precisely to compensate nutrient-bare soil they inhabit in the wild, but too much nutrients can kill them just as easily as not enough. They also require special care to survive through colder winter months. That being said, if properly cared for they can live for decades.

One really easy way to kill them is to play with their trigger hairs causing them to shut (which they can only do a finite amount of times), or to feed them things you’re not supposed to – like meat, or I dunno, fucking jelly beans. You really don’t need to “feed” them unless they are unhealthy.

It’s important to note that Venus flytraps are an endangered species. They are native to only a small area of the Carolinas and they have been in decline for several years now – in part because of over-collection, habitat destruction, and a lot of illegal poaching.

Sorry to be “that guy”, but this is really not a “wonderful thing”.


So since we encouraged people to feed their venus flytraps candy, do we actually know candy isn’t harmful to the plant? Not just that it lived for a few days after eating the jellybean, but at least a few weeks?

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My venus flytrap has a t-shirt that says “Plant is Murder” but I think it’s just going through a phase. Why must it’s bedroom door always be closed?



May I recommend a supplier? https://www.californiacarnivores.com

Protip: a couple of pitcher plants or flytraps will rid your home of most flying pests.

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