Originally published at: With an alarming animation, the CDC reminds us not to have diarrhea in the pool | Boing Boing
When I was younger I never, ever considered this issue when I went to a swimming pool.
Now, I can’t not think about the stew of bacteria I might be dipping into. Egads!
Just add more chlorine
Yes, if you’ve got the shits and you want to swim, go to the beach. Its just a plop in the ocean. And face it, the ocean is already full of fish poop. (/s)
This reminds me of the animated efforts of the government of India, to convince their citizenry to take the poo to the loo: "Poo 2 The Loo" - YouTube
Ok, now I’m wondering if any of the people in these cases visited a water park…
As we see more stories that highlight the results of other people’s crappy hygiene habits, things like pools, hot tubs, or buffets seem less like fun and more like a trial.
This is the most wonderful thing that has happened all year
I feel like I am dissolving in cosmic light
A fun activity is to post signs in country clubs, upmarket department stores &c. reading “please do not defecate except in the toilets provided”.
(I got the idea from the Illuminatus! trilogy)
If I were in charge, I would be doing advertisements to normalize swishing one’s nether regions while using the open air showers at the pool, before getting in the water. People seem to have a misguided sense that they are being polite by not rinsing there.
Good thing pool diarrhea isn’t good for big business
Even without diarrhea, swimming pools are filled with ass water - water that has been circulated around peoples’ butts, and genitals, and toenails, and feet. Chlorine, to the extent that it does work, doesn’t kill germs instantly. So you are steeping in germy, fungusy asswater.
Swimming pools seem grosser and grosser the older I get.
Is just rinsing really going to eliminate pathogenic viral, bacterial and fungal infections from people’s crotches before they get in a pool? Even with soap it’s still gross.
Drawling Nikki’s Twitter account seems to be gone now.
Word is that she had a swimming “accident”.
Signed, The Mgt.
Yeah, none of us did either, until we did… (previously)
I can remember the last time I went to the McCarren Public Pool in Greenpoint. It was when I saw a turd at the bottom. No more visits.