With security cam, guy catches housecleaner committing identity theft

Lots of dashcams already have motion detection. I just use web cameras along with https://www.ispyconnect.com/ and use Dropbox (or local) for storage. Dropbox works well for me, I can watch the files when on vacation.

Come to think of it, if I’m away for any length of time I’d rather not know what’s happening at home.


I’ve been thinking about trying the UniFi Micro. $99 for golf ball sized 720p and records locally to server running supplied software or to plug-n-play NVR (net video recorder) they also sell. No experience with it yet, but have used their APs which work great.

Good tip about the Ubiquiti camera! I’ve been using and loving their APs too. Pretty amazing company, they’ve basically created the grassrootsy wireless isp (“WISP”) industry. I’ve found their products to have fantastic build quality, indoor and outdoor, with great software and support.

Hmm, how to justify picking one of those bad boys up…

I’m not sure how it compares feature-wise, but possibly http://www.zoneminder.com/ would be an alternative?

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Huh… 3 links in total to Amazon: Nest product.
Looks like an AD.

Was it a good payday Xeni?


Without endorsing or defending it, I’ll just say that the most recent incarnation of BB basically admits that any and all content is monetized one way or another. Labeled ads, unlabeled ads, advertorials, sponsored content, paid content, affiliate merchandizing, or direct merchandizing. The odd not-for-profit, non-branding post still sneaks through, but it’s pretty obviously the minority.

It’s not the kind of site it was in the past, but if you’re wealthy and Western (or like the toys that such people do) it’s actually still, in a much more commercial sense, a Directory of Wonderful Things™.


Came to say exactly that. Also, the “bust” looks pretty fake. Right after you buy your NEST™ BRAND CAMERA, you happen to hire identity thieves to clean your place, who for some reason can’t see the NEST™ BRAND CAMERA staring them right in the mug? This is about as convincing as all those “viral” GoPro ads.


Sure, theft can be rather selfish. But isn’t having a personal identity selfish also?

Sure. If, that is, you want to play around in an entirely irrelevant and masturbatory way with things like the difference between selfish and self-ish, and such. Go right ahead, knock yourself out. I guess you’re free to be self-ish that way, in your usual way.


What really bothers me that somehow strangely those thieves look rather black to me, thus the video aside from selling some shoddy camera is also working miracles in reinforcing racial stereotypes.

It seems utterly unbelievable that if the story was real and the identity thieves were stealing anything in reality, that any property owner or employer would not come down on them with the fullest force of the law.


It might only seem irrelevant because you assume it to be the “default”, I encounter a lot of that here.

If you think that selfish and self-ish carry distinct connotations here, that’s fine, but I think that either sense would be equally applicable.

But hey - why redefine our bodies, minds, and societies when that would miss the point of entrenched perspectives and consumer goods? Perhaps personal identity is overrated.

Oooh, I see, you’re looking for Philosophy Club! Sorry but that’s next door. It’s Being Hit on the Head Lessons in here.


“And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for forgetting to unplug the wireless router!”

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You have a point, and racism aside, those house cleaners also look male. Did you ever see Merrie Maids who were male? Me neither.

It’s posts like this that make me think that we’ll have complete surveillance video coverage – home, work, public spaces – in my lifetime. The only fight left is who controls the archives.

Horrific in the abstract, but useful enough in the specific that it’ll creep creep creep.


The link specifies BoingBoing as the referer but this is hidden, the post uses “Amazon” as a verb, and it does not read like Xeni’s posts.


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Axis cameras. Most have local storage. Professional support. the cameras are small linux boxes. not cheap. totally ‘set and forget’

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I think it’s funny that people pay other people to clean up their messes.

OOoohhhhh now that GIF on the front page makes sense!