Witness the birth of Pride: Footage of the first Gay Liberation Day March (1970)

Originally published at: Witness the birth of Pride: Footage of the first Gay Liberation Day March (1970) | Boing Boing


“This is what they did in Nazi Germany. They used frustrated homosexuals as the Gestapo.”

The same guy in the video also said the march was a communist plot. These people are literally using the same arguments today. The people demanding rights are the real fascists and anyone I don’t like is a commie.


i was going to post about that guy, too. it was hard to hear the audio, but it sure sounded VERY familiar.

there were some hotties in that video, for sure. i wonder how many of them survived the AIDS years. I like the one guy’s point that the american flag needed to be at the front of the parade, but hey, it was the first one. they were still figuring things out. amazing to see how far things have come, but also how they are still very much the same.


There’s a series running on the Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff podcast right now with some great history from this time, I’m quite enjoying it :star_struck:


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