Woman arrested at US border for smuggling 18 crocodile skulls and a single sloth

Originally published at: Woman arrested at US border for smuggling 18 crocodile skulls and a single sloth | Boing Boing

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What an arsehole. Trying to smuggle a living sloth is especially bad. Sloths really aren’t simpatico with humans and their skin is very sensitive to all kinds of bacteria. I hope her shop gets shut down.


I’m not under the impression that the sloth being smuggled was still alive, not that this ameliorates what the woman did.


I’ve got questions. But the most pressing ones relate to the 23 raccoon feet. Did one of the donors only have three legs? Did she lose a raccoon foot under her couch? Who smuggles raccoon parts anywhere? I could find a couple dozen raccoon feet in the field behind my house on any given day without breaking a sweat. Sure, they’d still be attached. But I can’t see the profit in it. Smuggling raccoon feet is the animal smuggling equivalent of a narco sub stuffed full of store-brand aspirin.

  • 18 crocodile skulls and heads

Skulls AND heads? Separately?

(@orenwolf, comments link goes back to post)

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What… just one Sloth? How lazy is that?


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