Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/07/09/woman-bites-man.html
tired of dealing with wypipo.
Well as @Drew_G pointed out below I correct my post… tired of dealing with assholes I guess as they come in all colors…
She wanted a bite of Chinese, she got a bite of Chinese.
not sure that was the reason
I’m shocked this wasn’t in Florida.
Umm, isn’t ‘custody’ a legal term? She didn’t lose custody, really, did she? She was just in jail and her kid was taken to a responsibe adult of her choosing.
Michigan is the new Florida.
I’ve been that hungry.
She should’a had a Snickers.
Also, wtf is wrong with people? In 50 years I’ve never been biting mad, especially not over a food order.
“You left out the wontons?! Gimme your ear!” nomnomnom.
I wonder if the restaurant got its ingredients from Tyson Foods.
I’m from Michigan and I always wondered about the whole “Florida Man” meme because it never seemed that unusual to me.
Example of local news for me: Man turns in ex-boyfriend for allegedly performing circumcisions on men without license
to weird threats of retalitation if fireworks (after 9pm) wake them up to a new TV series based on a Female serial killer in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Florida laws on police records basically let anyone search everything. So all the bizzare stuff gets reported on.
The attacker’s actually black in this case, though you can’t exactly be faulted for assuming ‘white people’ given the current political climate.
“Can you touch your elbow to your ear?”
Pressing severed ear against elbow…“I can now!”
ETA: I do have a morbid sense of humor, and have a history of cracking jokes while in the ER. And I’ve been there a number of times for serious injuries, from ripped-off toenails to a broken lumbar vertebra.
I highly approve of that sign and will be emulating it in the future.
Overexplaining things has gotten me into trouble in the past, because of some reasons.
Reading the police blotter for Nevada County, California is popular form of entertainment in Northern California. Local newspapers and radio shows sometimes like to collect some of the wacky goings on of this region up in the mountains. Yes that’s the same county as the popular satire news website, Nevada County Scooper
Maybe Florida Man is a really snowbird. Spends summers here in Michigan, and winters down in Fla.
Is that for ear or to Gogh?
Doesn’t mean there isn’t racism or at least racial stereotyping involved though. From MSG panic on up, Chinese people get a sneaky hustler stereotype tagged on them pretty hard that exacerbates the “oops, you got my order wrong” into “WTF are you trying to pull?!” If there’s one thing that binds together all the people of the world it’s that there are people of all colors and creeds ready to scapegoat and demonize people of a color other than theirs.
Florida is working on that as we speak.