Woman caught hiding in Southwest overhead bin before takeoff (video)

If the airlines could get away with it, they’d pack us in like cord wood.

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You expect that much room?


Oh, forget that scenario. No way am I’m going to sit face-level in somebody’s fart cloud for 3 hours.


If the person sitting in front of you and suffering gastric distress, you’re going to be sitting in a fart cloud no matter how the seating is staggered.

Was an AI asked to produce an image representing something like this?

I’m not entirely sure what is going on here - the armrest appears to be on the ladder but seems to go behind the person sitting alongside the ladder:
Screen Shot 2024-05-13 at 11.14.19

Or whether that one ladder is supposed to wheel to and fro along the aisle whenever someone needs to go up or down, or how it gets there if someone is up and wants to be down, and how many ladders there might be, and if the ladder means the aisle is blocked until it gets all the way to an end, or how, in fact, anyone with even vaguely limited physical dexterity or movement would actually swivel at the top of that ladder. Maybe if the ladder faced the other way?

Also: Woman “caught hiding”? More like “seen openly laying in”.

Airline seating designed by M.C. Escher.


Probably. I did a Google search and it popped up. I didn’t look at it very closely.

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