Originally published at: Woman gets explosion in face while lighting car on fire | Boing Boing
In France it’s called Essence de Karma Instantané.
In America, it’s just sparkling justice.
it’s a jeep, so this fire would have happened eventually anyway.
When I was a kid I drained the gas from a lawn mower in a way that should have resulted in something almost as bad, but miraculously didn’t.
Thank you, universe.
Arson investigators love the simplicity of obtaining an easy conviction on something like this. Caught on film, surely some easy to get fingerprints, a gasoline sample from the scene that can identify the brand, blend and distributor of the flammable liquid fuel source, a motive… it’s all there. Her flash burns will be shown in her mug shots when she’s arrested and the gasoline residue on her clothing will be matched to the source… could she have made it easier for them to obtain her conviction in court? Sure, a signed statement saying why she did it. Too bad she didn’t inhale a heavy amount of the burning vapors as the possibility of a bad case of chemical pneumonia might have found her handcuffed to a hospital bed…
Revenge arson, slam dunk conviction.
Five characters worth of ow
Does make me wonder why. Insurance job? Spite? Seems like a high-risk, low-reward enterprise either way.
Respectfully, we call that the “hillbilly love letter”. I bartended with a self proclaimed “lady[s] man”,
this happened twice to the same car. I ascertain that due to his misogyny/dickheadedness he deserved what he got.
I hope she goes to prison for a long time, not just for property damage of that car, but also for endangering everyone in the apartments around the vehicle and damaging the vehicles around it. What a psychopath!
This happened last year and the woman was charged with arson. How are y’all just now reporting on this?
w w w . fox2detroit . com/news/michigan-woman-charged-with-arson-after-video-shows-car-fire-exploding-in-her-face
Is that rhetorical in nature, or do you really want answer?
Honestly it was meant to be rhetorical but I am bored and have nothing but time so now I am kind of curious as to why this is being reported like it just happened when it was literally covered in July of 2020
Dude or Dudette, this is the way, here abouts.
Wow thank that explains so much
Indeed it does.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorched.
Life imitating cinema…
I’m explaining so much, RIGHT NOW!!!