Woman gets hand stuck in toilet, fire department called to break it

Do you think she shook the firefighter’s hands when she thanked them?


Woman gets hand stuck in toilet, fire department called to break it

Break what? Her hand or the toilet?

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Grab, twist and pull.

Been there, done it, more than once, usually when one of the little darlings has been holding it in for a week.

I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation to be found by “diving deeper” into this situation, but am I the only one freaked out by the fact that this hand eating toilet is out on the front lawn?

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Me too. Reminds me a little of the scene from Something About Mary when he’s zipped his franks n beans the wrong way, and the policeman shows up, then the fireman, then the whole fire department, then the whole neighborhood.


reminds me of Homer holding on to the can of coke the whole time

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Bowl finger
She’s the girl, the girl with the Turdas touch
A plumber’s touch
Such a bold finger
Beckons you to enter her cesspool of extrusion
But don’t go in


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