Originally published at: Woman runs back and forth across train tracks and almost gets squashed | Boing Boing
I hope that is the explanation, and that she’ll never put herself in that situation again. I have a friend whose depressed mother decided to end her life in a similar manner, and it was obviously very traumatic for everyone. I’ve read that train engineers often suffer from PTSD after such encounters.
Barely–just barely–missed the scoop!
A baREly-Boing?
Ah, the rare crossed-beams BoingBoing post!
Needs the Yackety Sax sound track
A good example how you can’t design for panic or basic stupidity. Those are half-barriers so you can always walk around if you find yourself between them and they are not locked and have a counterweight so almost everybody can just push them up.
Even a better trick, never get between them!
Hey, I have an idea for a post:
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