Woman secretly summons 911 help with Pizza Hut order

Maybe she used an app. That might even be why he let her, figuring there was no way to call for help from a Pizza Hut app.

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These Florida men do the whackiest things.

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I heard a version of this a while ago the other way round, ie. the woman called the police but pretended to order a pizza. The operator realised what was happening and asked yes/no questions like “Is there someone in the room listening to what you’re saying?”

Same outcome: the police arrived to arrest the scumbag and the woman didn’t get her pizza.


Channeling my inner bubbe: Who could eat at a time like this?

I think you’ll find you were mistaken. The police report clearly states there were only four slices of pizza, which is exactly what ended up in the evidence room.

What? No, that’s not pepperoni stuck between my teeth. Are you high, son?

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