Woman smashed in face with beer mug for speaking Swahili at Applebees

That seems like a bit of a stretch. Um, maybe…
Three strikes is bad. I’m good with that.

I heard one some years ago that the death penalty gets cops killed because nothing left to lose. I think that that might be right in some circumstances.

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Not really a stretch… its a thing, three strike laws make people more violent.


That was standard etiquette when I was still living there, and I doubt it’s changed much. Montreal is a very bilingual city: as a rule, in a group with native-speakers of both languages, we tended to use the language of least fluently bilingual person present.

That being said, if you are obviously from outside the country, you will earn brownie points with Francophone Montrealers for making the attempt to speak French, even if they switch to English to make sure the communication goes smoothly.


So, if Burchard-Risch is so eager for assimilation, how about we deport her English-speaking ass to England?

/s (obviously, I hope…)

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Or Nauru or Papua New Guinea. Or even Cambodia.

Yes this, MrsTobinL being a Canuck knows French but isn’t all that fluent but can get by. She had to go to Montreal to interview for her green card cause that was where the office for it was at the time. She said once they started going full speed and realized she was not able to keep up they would happily switch to English. Making an honest effort counts for a lot.


Yeah, it’s polite to make the effort. Not everyone is equally bilingual - there are certainly Francophones who don’t speak English very well, and if you make that effort, they will probably be somewhat relieved, and very likely will slow down to your speed. Good manners is to make the effort to communicate.




This is what comes of constantly fomenting fear of immigrants (a la Fox news and D tRUMP). For those a-holes it means ratings and $, but for innocent people it means a beer mug to the face from a xenophobic freak.

Also, the irony in stating that you’re in America, speak “English”…

Random aside, awesome video showing just why my brain can’t process Dine:


Clearly you’ve never been to Applebee’s.


Way to explain the punchline.

This is Minnesota. It’s like the Canada of polite parts of the US.
People there express disputes by sulking quietly, not yelling or violence.

And this bigot almost certainly wouldn’t have attacked the woman if she’d been white and blond, and if she’d done that to someone who was, she’d have been told “No, we speak Norwegian and Swedish here, but we don’t mind you speaking English if that’s all you know how to do.”

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In the non-rhotic regions of New England, they are pronounced much the same.

Egads! That poor woman’s face. WTF? It’s like we’re all a bunch of primates! Seriously people, mind your own business, it’s what makes society civil. I hope that idiot does jail time and I’m glad the media reported it. The public should be on the look out for this looney lady.


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Francis the Talking Mule?

What punchline was that supposed to be? In many ways, Belgium is not a bilingual country, but rather a pairing of two monolingual societies, sharing a conviction that they are not part of France, and not part of the Netherlands.


This is what forcing decryption of private computer data looks like when people do it.

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That’s a valid point but I think that was a joke in reference to the recent article/post, but self identifying as christian is the number one requirement in the list of groupthink for that specific subculture, speaking english in 'merica is further down the list. of course #NotAllChristians :wink: , and #BadApples at Applebees

Contempt for Christians is fashionable here while contempt for Muslims is taboo. Also, It seems some blogs are guilty of groupthink just as much as religions. I, for one, am indiscriminate with my contempt for religion.


Like a plastic trolley left in the sun since the Eisenhower era, making the face of a spoiled child that’s been denied ice cream and then angrily soiled itself?