Woman trying to steal package from homeowner complains loudly when caught

In other news, the phone I ordered two weeks ago from gearbest is yet to arrive…

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I grew up on a farm and we would re-purpose the feed bags as trash bags. Once had a couple of the bags full of trash stolen from the back of my father’s truck. Would have thought they would have noticed the difference in weight, etc…


…dog comes out, thinks? am I messing with my bone!

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They’re too busy not solving more important crimes. Package theft is a big deal here, as well. Our neighborhood is getting hammered right now. If the police don’t catch thieves red-handed, then it’s unsolvable. Our police department has a target response time of five minutes for 57% of calls. Right now they are not achieving that target. You can imagine how many thieves like this are caught in the act.

Catching and detaining a thief like in this video is crazy dangerous on so many levels.


I wanna know about that little white dog that disappears around the 1 min mark. Hyperspace, I’m thinking.

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I think that’s a very young cat, and he walks out of view at the bottom of the driveway to the left.

We are looking at a pathetic addict who is victimizing others to feed her addiction. Truly awful.

Nah, smart dog.

I’m not going to risk my safety for some fucking package…


I keep hearing Judge Reinhold in Fast Times saying, “There goes your ride home!”



PS: I really hate the passive aggressive commenting system on this site that didn’t let me simply reply “hahaha” (not enough characters) or “hahahahahahaha” (not a complete sentence.) Bunch of fucking school marms.


Absolutely. The character minimum all but destroys the pithy response on BB!


For sneaking!


So, the nanny vigilante couldn’t get to the door to accept the package, because she was watching a one year old, but she could leave the one year old unattended while she ran outside to tackle someone attempting to steal the package? That one year old’s value sure dropped in a hurry.

Somewhere in the nanny manual, it ought to say, if you witness a crime occurring outside your employers house while you are tending the children, make sure the doors are locked and call the police.



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Easy scenario that pops into my mind:

Doorbell rings with package: nanny is changing said child can’t come to door
Baby is placed in crib to hang out: nanny then goes to get package and witnesses crime and goes after her. Kid is fine in crib doing not much, it’s a one year old.

Not that hard to imagine.


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