Originally published at: Woman who shamed Starbucks worker is now suing to get his GoFundMe donations | Boing Boing
@frauenfelder: Typo in last sentence: Giles instead of Gilles.
Peak Karen horseshit
Wow! Just fucking wow! That’s some Olympic-level mental-gymnastic entitlement right there.
I can’t even…
Christ, what a maskhole!
Just being White is enough to get away with anything in San Diego, don’t be fooled friends, San Diego is a GOP/Riech Winger stronghold. Many decades of residence there tells me so…
What always kills me is the desire to get a “medical exemption”. If you have a medical exemption you wouldn’t set foot in a store period. Pre-existing condition anyone?
What the hell are “publicity rights”?
I hope she ends up having to pay his legal fees.
She posts a picture of the employee and includes his name. Then cries about:
“violation of her right to publicity,” “misappropriation of her name and likeness,” and “false light invasion of privacy.”
The local news interviewed her on camera
She’s about as unbearable as you’d expect
…alleges that Cowan’s GoFundMe campaign constituted a “violation of her right to publicity,”
And just when you thought the right couldn’t get any dumber they go and prove you wrong.
Well, he doesn’t even have an American name! He should not even be allowed in the country! (/s)
Oh that is a treasure trove…
A second piece of paper is a handwritten note with letterhead from a San Diego chiropractor who she asked not be named. The hand written note reads “Amber has underlying breath conditions that prevent her from wearing a mask or any type of facial covering whatsoever. Please contact me if have any questions.”
Wait… Are we sure Trump’s doctor is actually dead?
When Gilles was asked why a chiropractor gave her a breathing-related medical exemption, she responded “because they are dedicated to providing non-invasive personalized care and treatment. They are real doctors.”
Pretty sure they’re not medical doctors. You’d be better off getting an exemption from someone with a PhD in Classics - it would at least be written in grammatical English.
I think that just means she has really bad breath.
Ms. Gilles is an example of someone who could best improve this planet by moving to a new one.
Chiropractors are not real doctors and most of them aren’t even particularly qualified to work on people’s backs.
The scientific literature and especially the best controlled, largest N studies show chiropractic is a bit less effective than physical therapy, while noticably better than doing nothing.
So if you live in some shithole country without universal healthcare, then I guess chiropractors aren’t the worst possible choice if you specifically have back pain.
Generally you have a right to control your own image for commercial purposes. For example, a restaurant owner couldn’t take a picture of a patron and then use it for their advertising (absent consent). Even though there is no expectation of privacy while eating in a public restaurant and image maybe captured for other, non-commercial, purposes (e.g., in the background of someone taking picture of a birthday dinner). For average schmoes, it’s rare. For celebrities, it’s a bigger deal.
If the schmoe (or celebrity) did something newsworthy, then such images are fair game.