Woman with skull on stick leads police to corpse

So, you’re saying I need to actually watch it?

It’s been on my “when I have the time” pile.

But since The Walking Meh has probably fallen off my “must watch” pile…there may be room.


They Sluggy guy used to come to Dragon*Con way back in the day. I’m glad he’s still publishing.


Did you like Evil Dead 2? Did you think Army of Darkness was not quite splattery enough?

Do you want to see guts and gore used in such volume that even the sound mixer’s cart behind the set is probably tented with a protective sheet of plastic?

Yes, indeed, you need to see it. If The Walking Dead were directed by a demented Chuck Jones (or, let’s face it, Sam Raimi), starred the Three Stooges and Xena, and were much, much, much redder, you’d have Ash vs the Evil Dead.


I want all of those things!


I’d bet he died from homelessness. It has a lot of causes, all treated as though they had nothing in common, the place where they all come together can be fatal. the solution is to make them move someplace else and pretend they are more irresponsible (than “us”). There’s no such place as “away”.


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