Wonderful Thing of the Month contest

You may recall from my OP, I was first inspired to create a contest from this story.

And if you’ve been keeping a close eye on the BBS feed, you may have also noticed this–

Not a front page post, but @Scientist (rightly) found it notable enough to give it its own discussion. Same artist, but transcends “cool maker video.” (I encourage you to also view the Steven Seagal and Michael Jackson builds, and I say this as a person who abhors watching long youtube videos).

So if I were to break my own rule, it would be for this, since the original, front-paged, Mel Gibson build never had the chance to be nominated.

The OP is clear about the motivation for the contest: as a response to BoingBoing naysayers ("waah it used to be a directory of wonderful things). Besides, if we could post any story from anywhere on the Internet, this activity would become too challenging to maintain!