Wondering if someone is a narcissist? Just ask them

Look, I’m not the one “gathering” inflammatory crazy talk in the guise of tearing down someone you disagree with.

Your quickly-escalating remarks made it sound like you had very peculiar notions of the boundaries between good-natured ribbing between friends, hateful bullying and possibly hate crime (“perpetrated?” really?), so it’s not exactly the kind of thing conducive to further debate.

But then I remembered you were the one who casually, weirdly, had this to add to a soap and deodorant discussion:

So mild joking about vegans being talky = unacceptable, hurtful stereotyping, but a blanket, deadpan statement about non-vegans stinking of death = just fine?

Let me know if my rampant habit of forming assumptions from little information is getting the better of me, but I’m guessing now your fight-picking attitude didn’t come from an anti-humor politically correct bore worldview after all.

You were apparently just offended about a personally sensitive subject, and since that was never my intention I apologize.
