Originally published at: Wondering who's behind those "Jesus Gets Us" TV ads? | Boing Boing
Slogans you won’t see from these ads
“Jesus had two daddies”
“Jesus hung around prostitutes and always had booze handy”
Can’t remember where I saw it today (Day of the shirt? Somewhere on fark?): “Can’t spell Jesus without sus”
“Jesus loved his group of ‘very good male friends’ that he traveled around with all the time.”
Matthew 6:6, “‘But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.’”
Or Matthew 7:22-23, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
I don’t want Jesus to get me. Is nobody safe?
I’m sure there is a horror film in that one sentence.
Well, yeah. A zombie movie
Just came to say thanks for posting a Rebecca Watson video! She’s an awesome human who’s signal does not get boosted nearly as much as other people who are wrong about everything.
Lich does sound accurate! It would explain why he appears to keep his heart in a little container outside of his body too
So pretty much exactly the sorts of people I expected to be behind the ads. The most monstrous Christians always have these fuzzy-feel-good approach to try to suck people in, only to ramp up the hate once they’ve got them.
I always think of the Mummy movies, where the bad guy was Imhotep - an actual historical figure with great accomplishments who was deified and worshiped for 3000 years. Quite a Jesus-like guy in many ways, turned into a movie monster who runs around turning other people into mummies. So now I get these images of some future Jesus horror movie, where someone unearths a tomb and a guy comes shooting out riding a flying crucifix, upon which he crucifies his victims, killing people by turning their blood into wine and whatnot…
Here is an interesting take on this by a progressive Christian…
Jesus is an Italian brand of Blue Jeans, originally sewed in Turin.
They were on fashion in the 80s. some ads
First one “We are absolutely totally Made in USA, trust us!”
“Yes, we’re made for manly men”
There were also othe ads but they are NSFW nowadays.
Ooo, that’s what I came here to mention
LOL NPR sticking the DM Personal Jesus riff at the end
Rejected as by these people.
“Jesus gets us, now he’s coming after you. Run!!!”