Woody Allen: "I should be the poster boy for the #MeToo movement."

A better analogy is the you never shot a black person while in a professional capacity.


Both can be true if they’re speaking of different time periods. He was not paternal to her previous to Mia suggesting he take her out to ball games. Then he tried to be paternal. And that ended up being something else very quickly.

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Woody Allen, legal testimony, 1993

“At the very outset, it didn’t occur to me that this would be anything but a private thing,” he said, saying he hadn’t really considered how the affair would affect his children. "I felt nobody in the world would have any idea.”

When the judge asked “Wasn’t that enough, that you would know that you were sleeping with your children’s sister?” Allen responded “I didn’t see it that way. I’m sorry.”


Reading this thread I had occasion to get momentarily confused about which of his children-who-has-has-been-allegedly-sexually-inappropriate-with was under discussion.

Again, I’m struck that this is not a good look for a would be poster boy for #MeToo.

I actually thought the same thing! If someone had given me even odds on self-deprecating joke vs. full-on delusion I would have bet on joke (though I wouldn’t have bet very much, reality is very disappointing).


There are witnesses (e.g. Moses Farrow) who say they saw Mia Farrow coaching the seven year old Dylan to repeat a story Mia herself had concocted.


Yoiks. I had missed that. That certainly paints another version of events.

What an unfortunate, difficult relationship all the siblings must have with each other.


“She never spoke two words to me” sounds like the entirety of her childhood.

I’m calling bullshit.

And on that creepy-ass note, I’m done with this particular portion of the conversation.

Good day.


Kathy, I find Allen’s relationship with Soon-Yi to be pygmalionesque at minimum, and I find it kinda creepy. But when he speaks of not being paternal, he’s talking about the fact that he never lived in her house and didn’t see her very much. Soon-Yi was 17 when Ronan was born. He never married Mia Farrow, he never lived in her house, he never once slept over at her apartment, he never had a biological kid with her (anybody who thinks Ronan is his kid and not Frank Sinatra’s is kidding himself, just look at him!). He adopted two of Mia’s adopted kids and claimed paternity of Mia’s son Ronan.

His relationship with Soon-Yi may be creepy, yes, weird, yes, but he was never her father, and a 22 year old is an adult, not a child.

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You know how it is—one minute you’re finally trying to take on a paternal role toward a woman less than half your age who also happens to be the daughter of your de facto spouse, the next minute you’re fucking and taking nude polaroids. Nothing creepy about that!


There’s this idea that only weak and stupid people get taken advantage of. It’s wrong.


It’s also a matter of public record that a months-long investigation by the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of Yale-New Haven Hospital concluded that Dylan had never been sexually assaulted, and on the basis of this the state prosecutor refused to pursue charges.


That being said I can’t comment on this thread because I HATE this man for so many reasons and in so many ways and no not because he’s a victim of his wife. I hate his jokes. I hate his comedy. I hate his interviews. I hate his fucking face and I have since I was about 5 so it’s not changing.


I don’t pretend to know whether Allen is guilty of outright sexual assault.

I do know that his approach to sex and relationships makes him one of the last people who should be standing up and demanding positive recognition from the #MeToo movement.


My comment would be that if Allen doesn’t want that time that the world watched skeptically as they married their step-child dragged back up into the light (for Allen’s own sake and maybe for their ex-spouse/ex-child’s), Allen shouldn’t publicly declare themself as a perfect model of how to handle sexual feelings and relationships that happen within power relationships.

Yeah, that excerpt from that piece hurt:

[quoting Soon-Yi Farrow Previn] I’m not a retarded little underage flower who was raped, molested and spoiled by some evil stepfather-not by a long shot.

How the hell does one come to equivocate between raped and being “retarded”. Like a smart kid would avoid being raped by their step-parent? The idea that someone would try to fend off claims that they were abused by saying nasty things about people who are abused would strike me as evil if it didn’t make me feel so sad for the person saying it.


I find it totally creepy. I share that opinion with you. I find it, furthermore, disreputable, ill-advised, and a total dick move.

It was, however not illegal, and he was never actually her father in any sense, legal, biological, or domestic.

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Taking the incestuous aspect out of the equation (since that seems to be all some people can focus on) I also can’t fathom being 22 and wanting to fuck anyone my mom has ever fucked. Let alone the man who is my siblings’ father.

Lastly, just because a judge chose not convict Allen doesn’t mean that Dylan farrow was never sexually abused.

Because it’s not like the US legal system is actually helpful to victims of sexual assault, in general.

That’s fair. I know I damn sure wouldn’t ever trust him to babysit, though.


The only thing I want to hear about Woody Allen is that his online obituary isn’t a fake.

[exeunt tornpapernapkin]


Sex creep may not technically be sex criminal!

Let’s throw him a goddamn parade!


Which, if we could bring this back around, is the point of the #MeToo movement which makes Allen a really bad poster child for it. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills in this thread. No possible muddy water between us and the truth of Allen’s actions with regards to his children or quasi-children could possibly make the idea of Woody Allen a poster boy for #MeToo any less stupid (except as a poster boy in the, “not like this”, sense that @Malarkey raised).

This genuinely makes me feel like crying. And I hate Dawkins.

Okay, that actually does make sense. It doesn’t negate anything I’ve said about what a shitty poster boy for #MeToo Allen is, but at least I get why she would have formed that sentence if people were calling her “retarded” in the media.


Yeah none of the defending folks here are actually suggesting poster boy is a reasonable thing. Really, “poster boy” isn’t something that should really exist, as has been pointed out.

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