Ugh… we had that happen here in Ontario when the Persian (and IIRC also Chinese) communities were targeted with rank falsehoods about some education reforms the Liberal Party was bringing in. Pamphlets were distributed at elementary schools in Persian with some really well crafted, culturally targeted lies.
I think it happens everywhere with linguistically diverse communities.
Certainly in the Australian Federal Election before this most recent one, there were signs at polling places which were deliberately in the colours of the Electoral Commission, in Chinese, stating “To vote correctly, place a 1 next to the Liberal Party candidate”.
Eu sinto muito.
I am optimistic. The polls say that Mr. Bolsonaro probably will be ousted next october. I don´t think what happened in Washignton D.C. Will happen here. Some people say that Mr. Bolsonaro fanbase is what you would call astroturf.
Thank you for the updates. The election in Brazil is really important, and it’s not getting nearly enough coverage in the western press.
Fingers crossed!
I’ve already gone ahead and made a topic on this. This is big.
Glad someone has got our backs!
It’s a good offer. Africa really should send experts to the US and UK to support our mixed-up attempts at democracy:
First, you show someone the party’s facial scans and polygraph. If they don’t immediately say “bullshit”, that means they are loyal to the party.